Chapter 22 - Miracle

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So guys here is the next part

Okay guys I am updating the next part today only , as I didn't update for the past two days , so I am giving an extra update today , so I hope you all will like it

The doctor came out

Ranbir :- Doctor , doctor , how's Prachi , is she fine ???????

Doctor :- Mr Kohli , we have a good news and a bad news to tell you all

Ranbir :- (confused) What doctor ???????

Doctor :- So

Ranbir :- What happened doctor ??????

Doctor :- The good news is that , I feel this is a miracle to say this that the babies are all safe , actually the knife hit one of the baby but some miracle took place , which made that baby also to be safe , but that baby is very weak , but it's okay , all will be okay by time

Dida :- Babies ??????

Doctor :- Yeah while during the operation , we came to know that Prachi is pregnant not only with one baby , she is pregnant with three babies

Ranbir :- (very happy) What really ???????

Doctor :- Yes , it's triplets for you both (to which all got so happy including Vikram and Pallavi (surprised right 😁😁😁) especially Ranbir

Doctor :- But there is a bad news for you all

Ranbir :- What doctor ????????

Doctor :- Due to major complications , we couldn't help Prachi to come back to consciousness , so she slipped to coma and she got paralysed also (to which all got so shocked like anything)

Ranbir :- (shocked) What doctor ???????

Doctor :- I am very sorry to say this that Prachi slipped to coma due to major complications that took place and she got paralysed also due to the major hit she got on her spinal cord , it might maybe take some time for her to come back from coma also

Ranbir :- Some time means ???????

Doctor :- Some time means , it might take weeks , months or even years (to which all got so shocked) But please do take good care of her , because if anything will happen to her then it will be a problem for the babies also , so please do take very good care of her , this much only I can say

Sid :- Okay doctor

Dida :- (kept her hand on his shoulder) Ranbir, Prachi will be okay

Ranbir :- (again crying) Dida , why this is always happening to us ?????? Our babies are safe , but if anything will happen to Prachi , then I will not live

Sid :- Ranbir , what are you saying ???????? Prachi will be fine (Ranbir clenched his fists and had gone towards Vikram , Pallavi and Rhea)

Ranbir :- I hope you all got the happiest news right , but I am warning you all if anything will happen to her then I will not live , and if I will come to know that you all are behind her situation then I will not even think once that you're my parents and will not even hesitate in killing you all , mind it all of you (to which all three got scared to see Ranbir , and then he left from there crying)

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