Chapter 27 - Caring

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So guys here is the next update

Ranbir :- Okay let's go down

Prachi :- (kissing on his cheeks) Yes let's go

Ranbir :- Hmm , not bad chickchiki , here take my return gift also (he also kissed her cheeks and smiled , and she also smiled back at him and then they went down to have food prepared by Pragya for everyone)

At the dining hall

All saw Ranbir coming down with Prachi in his arms , all got a little emotional by seeing Prachi cannot walk , but got happy seeing the happy face from both Ranbir and Prachi's faces

Ranbir made Prachi sit on the table and Pragya and Vividha kept the food on the table , Prachi was happily eating the Kheer made by Pragya , but Prachi didn't eat the food as she couldn't eat it well

Prachi :- (shyly) Maa , can I get some green mangoes please ???????

Vividha :- (teasing) Haa haa , Pragya aunty , please

Pragya :- (teasing) I don't know where do we get green mangoes , your husband is sitting right next to you na , ask him

Ranbir :- (confused) Maa , if you don't know where do we get green mangoes , then how come I will know ???????

Pragya :- Ohhh , I thought you knew about it

Prachi :- Ranbir , I want green mangoes

Ranbir :- Green mangoes ??????? Why can't you have normal mangoes ????????

Prachi :- Arey buddhu baklu , it's not for me , it's for our children please , I really feel like eating that pleaseeeeeeeeee 🥺🥺🥺

Ranbir :- I don't know where do we get green mangoes yaar

Prachi :- (a little angry) Then try to find out you duffer

Ranbir :- Duffer me ?????? Pragya maa , you see right , your daughter is calling me duffer

Prachi :- (rolling her eyes) Drama queen (facing towards Vividha) Vividha , tell this duffer to get green mangoes for me or else he will sleep for the rest of the week in the guest room

Ranbir :- Arey yaar this is blackmailing

Prachi :- Ek toh mujhe yaar mat bulayo

Ranbir :- Toh kya , should I call you maharani then ???????

Prachi :- Mujhe kacche aam chahiye matlab kacche aam chahiye , and that's it

Ranbir :- Yaar why only green mangoes ??????? Why can't you have normal mangoes ???????

Prachi :- While doing graphics with me , you didn't have any problem right ?????? So bear everything ,mujhe kacche aam chahiye matlab kacche aam chahiye , and that's it ( I hope you understood by what I meant by graphics 😂😂😂)

Ranbir :- (with no choice) Okay fine

Prachi :- Aww , my lovely baklu , I love you

Ranbir :- (gritting his teeth and fakely smiling) I love you too (Prachi showed her tongue to him and he glared at her , and all were enjoying their bond)

At Pranbir's room

After 2 hours
Ranbir came back and got some green mangoes

Ranbir :- (with fake anger and annoying face) Here take your green mangoes

Prachi :- Thank you 😊

Ranbir :- You know I travelled around this entire Delhi to get green mangoes for you

I know we get green mangoes in every grocery store and supermarkets but in my story green mangoes are got very rare , and I thought to make our baklu to hardwork a little for his chickchiki 😂😂😂

Prachi :- (was eating so cutely) So what ??????

Ranbir :- (showing his over dramatic cute face 😂) So what 😳 ??????? Seriously yaar

Prachi :- Ek toh mujhe yaar mat bulayo , aur haa Ranbir , I know you really walked here and there for me ,  I was just kidding 😂 , come sit here , have some

Ranbir :- Why should I have some ?????? I am not pregnant , wait am I pregnant 😳😳😳 ???????

Prachi :- (rolling her eyes and lightly hitting his arms) Areyyyyyyy ullu ke patthe , I will chop off your head now baklu , where in the world it is written that green mangoes are eaten by only pregnant women ?????? It is  eaten by everyone

Ranbir :- (relieved) Ohhh okay fine (hence concluded :- Baklu will always remain as baklu 😂😂😂)

At night

At Pranbir's room

Ranbir was standing in the balcony with Prachi sitting on the wheelchair , and suddenly rain started coming , and Ranbir was seeing the rain and he saw Prachi who was sitting with tears as she couldn't enjoy like before as she couldn't walk now

Ranbir noticed this and went towards Prachi and asked her

Ranbir :- (caressing her hairs) What happened ??????

Prachi :- (with tears) No nothing , actually while seeing rain , I used to jump and dance like anything but now I cannot enjoy like before as I cannot walk like before na

Ranbir :- (smiling) I know you cannot jump and dance in the rain like before , but you can enjoy the rain now also 

Prachi :- (confused) How ???????

Ranbir :- (smiling) Like this (he took Prachi in his arms in bridal style and went in the rain and Prachi's happiness was just so much that she was enjoying like anything) Now happy ???????

Prachi :- (holding his cheeks) Very much happy baklu (then they both joined their foreheads and Prachi was just enjoying the rain in Ranbir's arms and he was just admiring her enjoying the rain and then they both stood there enjoying the rain with some romance ofcourse 😂😂😂) (Romance ke bina pranbir nahin hote 😂😂😂)

So yeah here is the next update , I hope you all like it

Precap :- Someone coming back (who is this someone ??????? Any guesses ???????)

Question of the day
1) Who is this someone coming back ????????

2) Is the story getting interesting or boring ?????? Was this update good ??????(Please please please please please answer all these questions in the comments section)

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Yours lovely writer

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