Chapter 23 - Leap

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So guys here is the next update

3 Months Later

Prachi is still in coma , she was discharged from hospital by Ranbir 3 months before , he decided to take all the responsibilities of taking care of her , he gave all the business duties to Sid and Vividha and now he is completely spending all his time with Prachi who is still in coma

Ranbir :- (holding her hands) Prachi how long will you sleep yaar ??????? It's been three months now , what's wrong ???????? Please wake up for this baklu and for our babies , please chickchiki

Then at that time Sid and Vividha came inside

Then at that time Sid and Vividha came inside

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Sid :- Ranbir , we are leaving for office

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Sid :- Ranbir , we are leaving for office

Ranbir :- Okay fine

Vividha :- Bhai , agar kisi cheez ki zaroorat ho toh please hume bata dena

Ranbir :- Okay fine (then Vividha came towards Prachi and got a little emotional and kissed her forehead and left from there , Sid also left from there following her)

Then at that time he got a call from someone

The person :- Hello Ranbir

Ranbir :- Hello Aryan , what happened ???????

Ranbir :- Hello Aryan , what happened ???????

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So that guy happens to be Aryan

Aryan :- Bro any progress in Prachi's condition ???????

Ranbir :- No , she is still in coma , by the way why you called me ????????

Aryan :- Just wanted to say that Abhi chucks and Pragya chachi is out of coma now

Ranbir :- Ohhh wowwwwww that's a great news , I will come right now , let me inform Dida to look after Prachi

Aryan :- Okay fine , come fast (then they both cut the call)

Ranbir :- Dida , Dida (Dida came there)

Dida :- Haa kya hua puttar ?????????

Ranbir :- Dida , chief and Pragya Maa are out of coma now , so I am going to see them , please look after Prachi , and yeah by any chance don't allow those three people to come inside this room

Dida :- Okay puttar , you leave , I will look after Prachi (then Ranbir smiled and left from there to meet them)

He took his car and reached their house , he knocked on the door and it was Aryan who opened the door , he hugged Aryan and he also hugged him back

Ranbir :- Where is chief and Pragya maa ?????

Aryan :- Come I will show you (then they came towards their room , Pragya saw Ranbir and she came towards him and hugged him)

Pragya :- How are you beta ????????

Ranbir :- I am fine maa , how are you ??????

Pragya :- I also fine beta (then she noticed Prachi wasn't there next to him) Ranbir , where is Prachi ?????? (Ranbir's smile faded hearing that)

Abhi :- What to say , she might've cheated on him and went to the next guy

Ranbir :- (shocked) Chief , what are you saying ???????

Abhi :- Don't you dare call me that , because of her , my daughter Rhea committed suicide and she left me , all because of you and Prachi

Ranbir :- Chief , we didn't cheat anyone , it was your darling daughter Rhea only who cheated all of us

Abhi :- Don't you dare say anything bad about my daughter

Ranbir :- Chief , Prachi is also your daughter , and she is my wife , and you can't say anything bad about my wife also

Abhi :- Pragya look , your daughter trapped Ranbir again

Pragya :- You can't say anything like that about Prachi

Abhi :- See when we were in coma , I am very much sure , Rhea was the one who looked after us , Prachi didn't even look after us , see after we came back from coma , where is she , she has not even come to see if we are okay or not ,  she doesn't even care about us , she doesn't think about us , she is just a selfish girl , she might be with the next guy now (this was enough for Ranbir)

Ranbir :- Stop it Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra (to which Abhi got stunned hearing that and all got shocked seeing Ranbir speaking like that to Abhi)

Pragya :- Ranbir ?????????

Ranbir :- I am so sorry maa , I should've not even come here only to see you guys , it was my mistake only , and Mr Mehra what did you say , your daughter Rhea was the one who looked after you ??????? (then he just laughed like anything) Your daughter seriously , for the past 3-4 months your daughter was in my house only , following me like a bodyguard for 24/7 , about Prachi , she only came back 3 months ago , she was looking after you both continuously

Abhi :- That girl again trapped you Ranbir , I know she didn't even think of us

Ranbir :- Just shutup Mr Mehra , I said shutup , you've said enough now , if you want you can say anything bad about me and I will surely forgive you all , but I will not tolerate if anyone will say bad about my Prachi , and I will not even forgive you all for that

Abhi :- What's so good in Prachi that you don't find in my daughter Rhea ???????

Ranbir :- Okay fine , about good , this answer instead of me telling you both , it's better for me to show you all because you guys especially this Mr Mehra will not believe me , so I will show you all , if you both don't mind can we go to one place now , I want to show you all something , from that you will understand who is selfish and who is thinking about you both , come let's go

Then Ranbir took Abhi and Pragya in his car , Aryan understood what he wanted to show to Abhi and Pragya and sat silently next to Ranbir in the car

So yeah here is the next update , I hope you all like it

Precap :- A shock for Abhi and Pragya

Question of the day
1) Did you guys like whatever Ranbir told to Abhi in this update ????????

2) Will Prachi come back from coma and paralysis ???????

3) Where was Ranbir taking Abhi and Pragya ??????

4) What is the shock Abhi and Pragya is getting ???????

5) Is the story getting interesting or boring ?????? Was this update good ??????(Please please please please please answer all these questions in the comments section)

Please vote and put your previous comments in the comments section

Should I give the next update today ????????

PranbiRxSidneeT please do tag all the members

Yours lovely writer

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