Chapter 42 - A shock

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So guys here is the next update

At that time the door bell rang

Pallavi :- I will go and check (then she went to check and got very shocked seeing the person standing there)

Pallavi :- Abhi!!!

Everyone heard Pallavi saying Abhi so everyone came there , Pragya saw him and ignored him

Prachi :- Papa 😭😭😭 (she was about to go to him but Ranbir in anger held her hands and stopped her) Ranbir , my papa came

Ranbir :- (sarcastic) Papa , seriously , a papa who will tell his own daughter is in some affair with someone else

Prachi :- Whattt 😳😳😳

Ranbir :- Yes , this Mr Mehra , your so-called papa , told that you're in some affair with some other guy , leaving me , he didn't know you were in coma that time , before he saw you , you have no idea how much he insulted you

Prachi :- Maa , kya yeh sach hai??? He said like that about me???

Pragya just kept her head down , Ranbir told exactly whatever happened that day , whatever Abhi told about her , and she stumbled hearing all that , as how can her own father tell that

Prachi :- Ohho , wow , Mr Mehra , I looked after you for a long time when you were in coma , and when you came back , this is the gift I got , why did you come back now??? To know if your princess is here??? Then hear that bitch is in jail deserving whatever she is getting

Abhi :- Prachi 😭😭😭 please , don't tell like this

Prachi :- Nooooooo , you're no one to me now , please don't come back to me , please leave from this house , please it's a request 🙏🙏🙏

Abhi :- Please Prachi , I know I have done many mistakes , and now I am feeling really guilty , it was my mistake to believe Rhea all the time , please now I want to live with you and be happy with you , that's why I came back , I know sorry is not enough for me to tell you , that much I insulted you without knowing the truth , I am so sorry Prachi , please forgive me

Prachi :- This time also you believed me after you got the proofs right??? Next time also some problem will come and you will still not trust me , nobody should get such a father like you

Pragya :- Prachiiiiiiii 😳😳😳

Prachi :- Kya hua maa , did I say something wrong , oh I forgot , he is your husband na , you can go and live with him , I have nobody , no maa , no papa , no one , I don't want anyone , it's better to stay as a orphan instead of getting such parents

Pragya :- Prachi , I didn't mean like that , he is your dad , you cannot tell like about him

Prachi :- Maa , I am his daughter , and whatever he told about me is what a father should tell about his daughter??? I am sorry , I cannot forgive you Mr Mehra , I am so sorry , I thought you are a gem in a father figure , but now I disgust you Mr Mehra , please don't ever come back to me , maybe I don't deserve to get a fathers love (then her head started shaking and she felt dizzy , so she held Ranbir for a support)

Ranbir :- Prachi , what happened???

Prachi then suddenly fainted and fell on Ranbir's arms

Ranbir :- Prachi , Prachi , open your eyes

Vividha :- Bhabhi , bhabhi , open your eyes

Ranbir :- Dad , please call the doctor

Vikram :- Okay fine

Mahesh :- Hmm yes , I will call the doctor

Then Ranbir took Prachi in bridal style and took her to his room , and all rushed following them , Abhi was also about to follow them , but then a hand stopped him

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