Chapter 17 - Truth out

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So guys here is the next update

Prachi :- We all tolerated these three like anything , now you all should get punished like anything , Inspector

To which many inspectors came

Prachi :- Inspector Malhotra , arrest these three people now only , and yeah charge all the pending cases into these three people's heads , is that clear to you

Inspector Malhotra :- Yes ofcourse ma'am , we will do as per your orders

Then they were arrested by the inspector and was about to be taken out but then someone stopped all of them saying

"Stop right there , let them come to know one more truth also"

Then those three poisons turned back to see Prachi looking at them evil smirking eyes , they all got confused seeing it

Prachi :- I want to ask all of you one question ??????? Prachi really committed a suicide attempt or was she murdered by someone ??????? (To which all three started sweating)

Vikram :- I really don't know what happened to Prachi , I am not at all part of this , please believe me

Pallavi :- (scared and acting innocent) We don't know anything , I am also not a part of this

Rhea :- (screaming like a huge bear) I don't know anything , please leave me , if you want to know about Prachi , then you should ask the Prachi who is now dead (to which Prachi just laughed like anything , and all the three poisons got confused by that)

Prachi :- Who said to you all that Prachi is dead ??????? Prachi is still alive (to which all got shocked) The Prachi you all considered dead is right in front of you guys (to which all got shocked) Prachi was living with you all these days (she smirked by saying all this)

Dida :- (with happy teary eyes) Puttar , does that mean Pravya is Prachi only ??????? You're my Prachi ??????

Prachi :- (smiling) Ji ha Dida , Prachi

To which over makeup ki dukaan , chameli naagin and joru ka ghullam got very shocked , shock was an understatement for all of them

Dida :- (now crying like anything) Prachi puttar (then she hugged her like anything and then came back from the hug and held her hands) I couldn't believe when I heard that you committed suicide , but now when you said that you're Prachi to me , I just couldn't control my happiness puttar , I really missed you my dear

Prachi :- (was also having tears in her eyes) Dida please don't cry , I am back na , I just changed my identity and came here just to find out who was behind this murder attempt , and now I got the clear answer

Inspector Malhotra :- Ma'am , these three people should get punishment like anything (now facing towards the inspectors) take these three people (but was stopped by Prachi)

Prachi :- Inspector Malhotra , don't arrest them now , there is no use of these people going to jail , they all should be learnt a very big lesson , Inspector Malhotra , you all can leave now , I will talk to you all later , you all can get back to your stations , thank you 😊

Inspector Malhotra :- As per your orders ma'am (then he saluted to her and all the other police officers also saluted to her and she saluted back to everyone , and then everyone left from there)

Prachi :- Soni , Soni (then Soni came there)

Soni :- Yes didi

Prachi :- Soni , from now onwards all the servants will be working in our office , now onwards , no servants should be working at home

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