Chapter 19 - The unknown person

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So guys here is the next update

At Sid and Vividha's room

Vividha was sitting on the bed lost in some thoughts , and at that time Sid noticed it and came towards her and asked her

Sid :- Vividha , what's wrong ?????? Where are you lost at ??????

Vividha :- No nothing Siddharth , was just thinking about bhabhi

Sid :- (confused) Prachi ?????? What are you thinking about her ???????

Vividha :- Siddharth , I don't know why , but I am having a very strange feeling while I am standing next to bhabhi

Sid :- (now very confused) What feeling ??????

Vividha :- I am having a feeling that I am having some connection with bhabhi

Sid :- What connection ???????

Vividha :- (she thought for a while but thought of leaving it) It's okay leave it , let's sleep now

Sid :- Are you sure ????????

Vividha :- Yes

Sid :- Okay fine (then they both smiled and then they both slept hugging each other tightly)

At Pranbir's room
Ranbir and Prachi both were sleeping hugging each other tightly , Prachi kept her head on his chests and Ranbir wrapped his arms around Prachi's shoulders , and they were sleeping peacefully

And at that time Prachi received a call from her phone , so her sleep got disturbed , so she got up and took her phone and saw it was from commissioner maam

Ranbir :- (his sleep also got disturbed so he also got up) Who is it Prachi ??????

Prachi :- Commissioner ma'am

Ranbir :- Then take

Prachi :- Yeah (then she took the phone) Hello ma'am

Commissioner maam :- Hello Prachi , I am so sorry to disturb you at this late hours

Prachi :- No it's okay maam , why you called me now maam ?????? Any problem ???????

Commissioner maam :- Actually Prachi , we have got one information that your enemy is in some warehouse in XYZ place , if you go there you can nab him now itself

Prachi :- (getting angry and evilly smirking) Thank you so much ma'am , I will do the rest now

Commissioner maam :- But there is an another problem

Prachi :- What problem ??????

Commissioner maam :- You were looking for one locket right ??????

Prachi :- Yes ma'am , in that locket only the evidence is kept by that person

Commissioner maam :- Yeah so that locket was worn by one person who is the right hand of that person , but that person killed him for some reasons , so his dead body is in the graveyard now 

Prachi :- It's okay ma'am , I will go and search for it , I am sure that locket might still be in his body

Commissioner maam :- But dear , it's not that safe to go to the graveyard at this hour ???????

Prachi :- No it's okay , I am not scared , for me my parents life are more important

Commissioner maam :- Okay dear , go fast and yeah take care of yourself also

Prachi :- Sure ma'am (then they both cut the call)

Ranbir :- What happened Prachi ???????

Then Prachi narrated everything to Ranbir and he got very shocked and scared

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