Chapter 33 - The happenings

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So guys here is the next update

Sid :- Hmm , okay fine (and then he got up and left from there)

Rhea :- (smirking) Hmm , very soon you will only get the option of asking from me only Siddharth (and then she smirked evilly)

Unknown to them someone was eavesdropping their entire conversation and the person who was seeing all this scene was smirking so evilly that the person started laughing continuously without getting anyone hear that

The person :- (smirking evilly) Hmm , very soon you will get a reality check my dear darling , just wait and watch (and then she smirked evilly like anything 😏😏😏)

At the hall

Everyone was sitting in the hall , Prachi was sitting on the sofa and Ranbir was sitting on the ground beneath her and was playing with her hands , Aryan found an excuse and sat next to Shahana , Sid and Vividha was sitting together and Pragya was sitting with Dida , she was holding dida's hands as she considered Dida as her own mother

Dida :- So Pragya , you all also listen to me , so I want to see something again (all got confused by this)

Pragya :- Mummy , what do you want to see again ?????? (Note :- Pragya calls Dida as mummy because Dida told her to call that)

Dida :- Arey Pragya puttar , what I meant is I couldn't see my Ranbir and Prachi's marriage , they got married in the temple and came here na , so I was thinking why can't we get Ranbir and Prachi remarried all again ?????? (To which all started thinking and felt it as a very good idea , Ranbir and Prachi started blushing by that)

Pragya :- Hmm , not a bad idea , we can conduct Ranbir and Prachi's marriage again and this time with all functions and rituals , what say ????????

Dida :- Yeah exactly

Ranbir :- Actually Dida , Maa , can we do this remarriage after our children comes , because now after our marriage I will not be able to have a proper suhagraat with my wife (to which all had an 😮😮😮 face and Prachi was having an 😳😳😳 face , Prachi got so angry and lightly hit his head for him to get a reality check)

Dida :- Oye Khote , should I give you one ????? (to which Ranbir showed a pout face 🥺🥺)

Pragya :- See what Dida meant is we can conduct a proper marriage of you both with all the functions and rituals , so what are you all saying ?????? 

Aryan :- I can't wait to see the remarriage of my brother Ranbir and my sister Prachi

Shahana :- Even I can't also wait

Sid :- Yes why not we should conduct their remarriage , I will be much happy with it

Vividha :- Yes I also want to see bhai and bhabhi's remarriage let's do it

Pragya :- (now facing towards Ranbir and Prachi) So what have you both decided ??????

Ranbir :- If you guys are happy with it then I am ready

Pragya :- What about you Prachi ???????

Prachi :- Same , if you guys are happy with it then I am also ready (and then she blushed like anything and stood up and went to her room , Ranbir also followed her , all were having an aww face 🥰🥰🥰)

Dida :- Why can't we think of conducting Sid and Vividha's remarriage also ?????? I couldn't even see their marriage (Sid and Vividha looked at each other and she was glaring at him)

Vividha :- No Dida , let bhai and bhabhi only get married , we can think about all this later na (then she got up from there and went to the room , Sid followed her and all were having a confused face seeing them 😐😐😐)

At Sid-Vividha's room

Sid :- (angry) Why are you behaving like this??

Vividha :- (angry) Ohhh you don't know why I am behaving like this ?????? Don't you dare act innocent Siddharth , I very well know what is happening , so it's better you keep quiet

Sid :- Oh my god , how many times should I clear to you , there is nothing yaar , that was just a mistake yaar

Vividha :- It was just a mistake that made that Rhea be pregnant with your child ??????(Sid got so shocked by this 😳😳😳 , and one person was very happy seeing this and then another person from behind was smirking seeing all this and turned back and smirked so evilly , and called someone to inform this)

The person :- Hello , our plan is on tracks , hey ready to see our victory

The person :- Yes , it will be our victory only (and then both laughed and cut the calls and smirked evilly like anything)

So guys here is the next update , I hope you all liked it

Should I give the next update today only ??????

Guys how many of you want Sid and Rhea to get married and how many of want Sid and Vividha to get married ????????

Who deserves Siddharth more ???????? Rhea or Vividha ?????????

Many twists are there to come fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride I am telling you all 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Precap :-

Someone :- Will you marry me ???????

Someone :- Yes (and hugged that person) I love you , I love you so much (who are these two someones ???????? Any guesses ???????)

More fun and twists and turns coming forward , be ready for a roller coaster ride 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Question of the day
1) Should I conduct a remarriage of Ranbir and Prachi ????????

2) Is Rhea really pregnant ???????

3) Who was the person listening Siddharth and Vividha's talks ????????

4) Who was the person smirking and telling this to the other person ??????? Who are those two persons smirking seeing all this ???????

5) Who proposed who ????????

6) Who agreed to the proposal ???????

7) Was the update good ??????

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Yours lovely writer

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