Chapter 25 - Decision

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So guys here is the next update

Ranbir :- I said get out , and don't ever show me your face Mr Mehra , or else I will not know what I will do , if you will come to this house then mujhse bura koyi nahin hoga (then he gave an angry look to Abhi and left from there)

Ranbir :- Pragya maa , if you want you can stay here and look after Prachi , but this person is not allowed to stay here , so you can decide whom do you want , your husband Mr Mehra or your daughter Prachi ??????? Decide and then you can do whatever you want (Abhi got shocked by Ranbir's demand , and Pragya stood there with a shock and a dilemmatic face and then Ranbir left from there)

That time Sid and Vividha came inside

Vividha was feeling strange connection with Abhi and Pragya , and they both were also feeling a strange connection with Vividha

Sid :- Are you both Prachi and Rhea's parents ???????

Abhi/Pragya :- Yes

Vividha :- Ohhh , I have heard alot about you both from bhabhi , nice to meet you both , you both are so lucky to get a daughter like her , who never looked for her life and health , she always loved and cared for you both , you both are so lucky to get a daughter like her

Pragya :- She is my daughter na , so obviously she will be the best , and I am always proud of her

Vividha :- (now facing towards Sid) Siddharth , you talk with them , let me see bhabhi

Sid :- Okay fine (then she smiled at him and left from there) So you both , Ranbir told me everything about you both , I came to know everything , Mr Mehra seriously Rhea is a good girl ??????? (Sarcastically) Yeah I very well know how much good Rhea is

Abhi :- (confused) Means ??????

Sid :- Because I was once Rhea's husband (to which they both got so shocked)

Pragya :- Then that girl ??????

Sid :- Yes she is my wife now (to which both Abhi and Pragya got confused)

Sid :- What did you guys decide ?????? Aunty what did you decide ??????? Who are you choosing your husband Mr Mehra or your daughter Prachi ??????? Choose one right now , if you're choosing your daughter then you can stay here and look after her , if you're choosing your husband then you will not be allowed to even see her , decide whatever you want (and then he left from there)

Abhi :- What have you decided Pragya ??????? I can't live without you 

Pragya :- (now facing towards Abhi) For most of my life , my daughter was only there with me , you only were there for a few days , you used to easily get manipulated by your sister and your daughter , and you used to throw me and my daughter out of your life like a toy , so I am choosing my daughter Prachi only , I am sorry , I lived for her for the most of my life , and this will continue for my entire life , sorry and you can go and live with your beloved darling sister Aliya and your wife Tanu (and then she left from there , Abhi was teary eyed with full guilt in his eyes)

At Ranbir's room

Vividha was sitting next to Prachi , and she was reminiscing all her sister moments she spent with Prachi , she loved Prachi like anything

Vividha :- (with tears in her eyes) Bhabhi , please wake up , I can't see you like this , please wake up bhabhi

That time Pragya came and sat next to Prachi and caressed her hairs and started crying like anything and Vividha consoled Pragya with tears in her eyes also , but then she wiped it off and she decided to stay strong for Prachi

That time commissioner maam came there and saw Prachi in this condition and couldn't control her tears , Ranbir came out from the washroom and saw commissioner maam and smiled at her

Ranbir :- Ohhh aap ??????

Commissioner maam :- Are you Prachi's husband Ranbir ????????

Ranbir :- Yes

Commissioner maam :- Everyday Prachi used to tell about you , she was sad by whatever you told her in an misunderstanding , so she decided and came as Pravya to see whether if still you love her or not ??????? And when she saw that you still love her , she decided to give you a chance and then she told you the truth that she is Prachi , you're very lucky to get Prachi as your wife

Ranbir :- I know ma'am

Commissioner maam :- I lost my daughter after I gave birth to her , so when I got Prachi ,  I always saw my daughter in her and I always considered her as my own daughter , now because of me Prachi is in this condition , I am so sorry

Ranbir :- No ma'am , please don't say sorry and all , it wasn't your mistake at all , it's okay

Commissioner maam :- Ranbir , I want to say something very important to you

Ranbir :- Okay fine

Commissioner maam :- Okay so come with me

Ranbir :- Okay fine (and then they both left from there)

On the way

Commissioner maam bumped into someone and that someone happened to be Rhea

Rhea :- Ohhh , I am so sorry ma'am

Ranbir :- Why can't you see and walk ???????

Commissioner maam :- Ranbir , It's okay fine (facing towards Rhea) It's okay fine (and then they both smiled at each other and they felt something strange with each other and they both left from there)

After 30 mins

At the hall

Ranbir , Sid , Pragya and commissioner maam were talking something and at that time , Vividha screamed from Ranbir's room

Vividha :- Bhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (all got shocked by Vividha screaming)

Sid :- Yeh toh Vividha ki awaaz hain

Dida :- Woh bhi Ranbir ke room se

Ranbir :- (shocked and scared) Kayi Prachi ko (then he ran and everyone else followed him and all came towards his room and got very shocked by the site he saw there) (any guesses what took place , please do tell me in the comments)

So yeah here is the next update , I hope you all like it

Precap :- A shock for Ranbir and the Kohlis (what shock I am specifying here ???????)

Question of the day
1) Did you guys like whatever Pragya told to Abhi in this update ????????

2) Will Prachi come back from coma and paralysis ???????

3) Why did Vividha scream calling Ranbir's name ????????

4) What is the shock Ranbir and the Kohlis got when they reached Ranbir's room ??????

5) What is the connection felt by commissioner maam with Rhea ????????

6) Is the story getting interesting or boring ?????? Was this update good ??????(Please please please please please answer all these questions in the comments section)

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Yours lovely writer

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