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It had already been a month since the day she had come to Japan

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It had already been a month since the day she had come to Japan. Her family life had been even more messed up than usually, so she had decided to get away for some time.

Y/N was currently in a cafe looking at the streets full of people walking around in a hurry.

'What a fast life!' she thought, sighing while trying to return back to the notes of the lecture she had taken that day.

Unfortunately it seemed like her mind had a plan of its own and for some reason, she could not concentrate at all. Just at the right time, her phone started ringing. Her twin brothers were calling her on facetime. As soon as Y/N answered the call she was met with their extremely cute and adorable big brown eyes looking at her and smiling.

"Y/N I missed you so much!" one of them said.

"No, I missed her the most!" the other one argued.

"As if!"


"I called her first, so I was the one who missed her most."

"I was the one that said we should call her."

And so they continued bickering while Y/N was sitting there smiling and wondering how in the world had she ended up having such cute and adorable little brothers. They were truly a gift from God.

"Boys now please stop..." she said as gently as she could. But nope, there was no way they would listen to her like that.

"Kou, Kin if you don't stop I'm hanging up!" she said, trying to sound stern. She knew she was supposed to be more strict with them but It was impossible, she was a softie only for the two little boys.

"Okay we stopped!" both screamed, afraid she was about to hang up.

"Good! How have you both been? Is aunt treating you, too well? Cuz if so then I'll tell her to be stricter with you, looking at how you are bickering."

"Please don't!" Kou said.

"Idiot, she is teasing us, "Kin said, hitting the back of his head.

"Ow, that hurts!" Kou started scratching his head from the pain.

Y/N laughed at their silliness. They always given her so much happiness just by being there.

"I missed you too a lot guys, but I've been busy with all the transfers and stuff and now exams are coming and I'll be busier I guess."

They both looked at each-other understanding what she meant and Kin said: "Don't worry too much about us, we are really fine, even the kids at school here are very nice to us. So just study hard and after you finish your exams, call us and tell us how everything went."

"Alright my little babies, I'll study hard. I love you so much." Y/N said blowing kisses to them.

"We are not babies, but whatever, we miss you more and love you a lot," Kou told her and after saying goodbye to each other they hung up.

Y/N looked up and noticed that it was already 9:30 PM. She'd better hurry back to her apartment which she had rented when she came to Tokyo.

As she got out of the cafe the only things on her mind were the bright smiles of her little brothers. She sighed remembering how sad their smiles were the day they left to go and stay at their aunt's. She had never wanted for things to go the way they did. But to keep her brothers safe, it was the only right choice at the time.

While walking to her apartment which wasn't that far from the cafe, if you followed the main road, it started raining. Y/N had unfortunately forgotten to take an umbrella with her so she saw a small alley and went in there to wait for the rain to stop. Some minutes passed as she had pressed her back to the wall and was staring off at the rain pouring in the main road while people walked with their umbrellas. Y/N sighed. It would take some time for her to go home, but what else could she do?

As time passed there was no sign of the rain stopping while the number of people passing by had decreased. But she couldn't care less about that. A normal person would have been scared or worried in normal circumstances. But Y/N wasn't just a normal girl she was the daughter of a mafia boss. Who could hurt her? She had been cruelly trained since a young age by her father.

The training she had to endure by the hands of her own father could have killed her but it did not. She had always been a strong one. So there was no fear in her eyes while staying with her back pressed against at the wall.

While Y/N was thinking the rain had stopped pouring.

A gunshot sound came from the deep end of the alley at that instant. Then some grunts could be heard before complete silence fell. Y/N was curious to know but at the same time, did not want to meddle with someone else's business, so she stayed put where she was.

A few minutes passed and some footsteps could be heard approaching her.

A few minutes passed and some footsteps could be heard approaching her

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