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"your father"

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"your father"

Doom doesn't always come when you least expect it. Sometimes it lingers above your head like the sword of Damocles, quietly shattering on its own. Becoming fragile as the days go by without you ever having to notice it.

The sense of impending doom doesn't always call you out telling you it's here instead it whispers in your heart gently, warning you. Yet you don't hear it, you close your eyes and ears. Letting this fragile sword fall over your head, pulverizing you with it forever.

That's how Y/N felt hearing those words come out of that criminals mouth.

Having told her that, Mikey proceeded to peck her lips throwing the fakest smile you could have ever seen at a speechless Y/N, nearly giving a heart attack to the executives witnessing his strange behavior.

Then walking out of the room with Sanzu by his side.

Minutes that felt like an eternity passed, as everyone tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"Ghhhg" the door was flung open as a discontented Sanzu came to view.

"She's staying with Rindou, Mikey's order." scowling at Rindou. "and you're all dismissed."

As everyone was about to get up Y/N bit them to it darting around the couches and straight to Sanzu.

The confused Mochi who was just about to get up sat down again, while Kakucho stood cross-armed waiting to see what was going to happen this time.

Rindou squinted his eyes, at her actions, lowering his eyebrow, slightly pouting. Did she want to stay with Sanzu so bad? But he was so excited to finally get Y/N for himself.

"You still haven't answered my question." Sanzu who had been excited until she opened her mouth, making up all kinds of scenarios in his mind. He frowned, turning his back on her ready to leave.

"Hey!" Y/N called him out as he was about to open the door, her hand slamming it shut, forcing Sanzu to turn around trapping him with her own body.

Sanzu who was stunned by her strength would have in all truthfulness felt intimidated if it wasn't for her short stature.

Takeomi on the other hand who had been minding his business, ready to put the cigar in his mouth stopped midway, giving his full attention to the scene in front of him.

While for Koko it was completely different he had already opened his phone camera recording the dramatic most memorable moment of the day after Mikeys out of character actions. How could he not, when the tea was right before his eyes?

"Are you deaf? Blind? Or are you mute? I asked a question." If someone else had snapped at him like that, Sanzu would have had them lying on the spot dead. But the sight in front of him was too amusing.

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