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Hearing a voice Y/N came back to her senses

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Hearing a voice Y/N came back to her senses.

The words Sanzu had said, caught her off guard, but not for the reason the man in front of her was thinking as he smirked looking at the girls' frozen state. Noticing his expression, her gloomy face quickly changed into a calm one.

Letting him see her feelings so openly could result in the situation becoming more dangerous than it was.

She put her head to the side resting her chin in one of her hands while not breaking the intense eye contact they were sharing.

"Kill me?" she looked at him questioningly.

"Why go to such lengths though? Did I witness what you did? Nope, I did not. Do I care what you do? Not at all." The pink-haired man looked taken back. He was not expecting that reaction after she had frozen in front of him like that.

By the looks of it, he seemed to be questioning himself if she was putting a facade or she was actually telling the truth, thus Y/N continued:

"I'm not putting on a facade to sound strong in front of you, if I was that weak then I wouldn't have allowed such a strange man into my home."

"So I'm just a strange man, whom you pitied when you looked at in the street?" The guy glared at her.

"Take it however you want. I could not leave you there and that's it. I don't know why you're asking this over and over again. And if you want to kill me, I don't care either. Go on. You seem to talk a lot for a criminal. When you can't even say thank you for a meal." She proclaimed, acting all tough.

Sanzu without saying a word got up from his side of the table not breaking eye contact with Y/N and putting the gun on her forehead.

Then he slightly bend his knees in front of the sitting girl. One of his hands went straight to her hair playing with her locks, a smirk visible on his scarred face.

"You're really something else." He said as he continued playing with her hair, face getting closer to hers, while he was still holding the gun in one of his hands.

"Your face is so pretty that I can't take my eyes off you and that attitude. It turns me on so much I can't handle myself from having thoughts of ravishing you right now on top of this table."

Y/N shivered hearing those words leave his mouth. Yet she managed to maintain a calm expression as he continued telling her about his disgustingly lewd thoughts on what he could do to her.

"Than while fucking you dumb I would put my gun in your mouth, so you could understand who you should fear."

With each word said the gun was removed from her forehead and lowered down. His lips were just some inches apart from hers making Y/N close her eyes. While the guy continued leaning closer and closer to her. The words that left her lips made the guy stop in his tracks yet again.

"Not now, please..."

She stayed like that, trying her hardest not to start trembling until she heard him sit down again.

Y/N was shocked. Not only by the guy's actions but by her own words too.

She was not someone to be taken lightly, she knew she was strong and she also knew where her weaknesses lied, yet she always hid her weakness so well. How could she say something like that?

The pink-haired man, on the other hand, had started eating, he did not say anything to her although he would steal glances at Y/N's face, who didn't move still startled by his actions.

After finishing his food he got up and with his back turned to her, he said:

"Thank you!"

As he continued walking until he completely disappeared from her sight. After some minutes a door being shut was heard. And silence fell again in that lonely but yet warm and cozy apartment.

"What the fuck was that?" Y/N asked herself.

Conflicting feelings arose in her heart at that moment. One was the feeling of relief, the one telling her that now that he was gone she would be at peace again. The second one was that of worry. He was still injured and he should have rested for at least sometimes before walking out like that.

'Why should I care for that psycho? I'm not going to see him ever again anyway' Y/N dismissed her worried thoughts, going to bed to try and sleep hoping to forget all the events of that strange night.

Ran was looking at the bandaged and shirtless man in his living room, who had suddenly come in the middle of the night sputtering nonsense and falling on his couch as if it was his own home.

It had been an hour since he had come asking if he had drugs and then when finding out he did not, started to talk to himself as if his level of madness had increased even more since the last time they had seen each other.

"Me, can you believe it? She spoke to me like that, as if she was someone above me. So obviously I wanted to kill her. Would you blame me for that?" Sanzu sneered not even stopping for a second to take a breath as Ran was drinking his whiskey, looking at the night sky from his penthouse, uninterested in his colleagues' rant.

"And not only that but I sat down and ate her food, feeling pity for her. How did I go from wanting to kill her, needing to screw her, wanting to kill and screw her at the same time and then pity her like that? What the hell was that woman?" Sanzu finished while rubbing his eyes.

"So you did not kill her even though Mikey told you to do so?" Ran was amused but also extremely impressed. Mikey's most loyal dog had dared to disobey his order for a weak woman. 'What a turn of events.'

Ran took another sip as Sanzu got up looking at him.

"I did not. I was going to explain to Mikey that she was not a threat...."Sanzu stopped when he heard his own words making Ran chuckle at the dumbfounded man in front of him.

"Are you sure you didn't take any drugs before the mission? There is no other explanation for this behavior of yours. Just go clear your head and find a way to tell Mikey the truth. He won't be happy with that either way."
Ran said while getting up and waving at Sanzu, leaving him confused and worried about how to explain to Mikey what he had done.

" Ran said while getting up and waving at Sanzu, leaving him confused and worried about how to explain to Mikey what he had done

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