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Seconds after those words were spoken the sound of a bomb was heard.

Y/Ns body froze, as her heart started pounding faster in her chest as her breath staggered. Unintentionally her hands clutched into Sanzus shirt causing wrinkles to appear on the black shirt the pink-haired was wearing.

Noticing her alarmed state Sanzu who was holding her in bridal style until then hugged her body closer to his chest.

As her cheek rubbed against the material of his shirt Y/Ns eyelids were lifted up, glancing at Sanzu whose attention was directed on the conversation with Rindou. For a brief moment, an unsought thought passed through her mind.

'What would it be like to date him?'

As if sensing her stare, Sanzus blue orbs fell on the squished girl inside his embrace. Her puppy eyes held an emotion full of curiosity inside of them.

Leaning his head down, as an awestruck Y/N followed his movements. Sanzu's mouth opened ready to say something but was cut off by Rindous loud voice:

"What do you mean Ran and Koko have been attacked too?"

Both their stares darted at Rindou who was talking on the phone.

"Yeah............ Okay, I think we can manage until then.....yeah, yeah..........do it fast cuz I have no idea how much this thing can hold."

Hanging up as if instinctively Rindou turned to inform the other two: "We're being targeted. Right now Kakucho and Mikey are the only ones in the HQ. Takeomi and Mochi are each on their way to help Ran and Koko who got ambushed like us. While we've got to wait here for our help."

Right after Rindous word a second explosion was heard as the walls started shaking slightly due to the massive power of the blast.

"What the fuck! Are they planning to tear down the entire building?"

"Follow me!" Rindou, who had no intention to listen to Sanzus complaints had opened a door behind the bookshelf.

A secret passage!

"Where does that lead to?" Y/N who had kept quiet during the whole ordeal, spoke, gaining Sanzus attention. As he peeked at her, serious and calm demeanor.

Rindou whose back was facing them ready to step inside, paused for a short while:

"You'll see!" his tone cold, leaving no room for further discussions.

Following the younger Haitani, Sanzu with Y/N in his arms stepped into the narrow corridor, closing the door connected to the library after them. It got completely dark before Rindou switched the lights on.

"You have lights?" Sanzus dumb question, made Rindou grimace in contempt. Turning to look at not one but two idiotic curious gazes waiting for his answer. His eyes for a brief moment set on

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