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In a peaceful villa in a southern city of France, the time was 5:00 am, which meant that everyone except for some rare early birds was asleep, leaving the silence to be broken only by the refreshing sounds of nature

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In a peaceful villa in a southern city of France, the time was 5:00 am, which meant that everyone except for some rare early birds was asleep, leaving the silence to be broken only by the refreshing sounds of nature.

The sweet quiet of the early mornings is truly a miracle for the hard working and nature loving people, hearing the sound of water droplets coming from the early rain of the morning. Not to mention the lovely chirping sound of some canaries which had not yet migrated to warmer countries due to the coming of winter was absolutely a true blessing.

Everyone was sleeping, enjoying their last hour of peace and quiet before the new day started except for two 13 year old boys who were currently playing on their playstations, bloodshot eyes, looking tremendously exhausted.

Although their need to sleep was high none of the similar looking boys wanted to admit defeat. They had been playing for almost 9 hours straight without a clear win. It didn't matter how different or new the game was from the previous one they would always end up in a tie. But ending up in a tie for two normal people after all this time would be okay and maybe one would have admitted defeat.

However, this was not the case for the L/N twins. Usually, they say that twins besides their features are nothing alike and they might have different interests and hobbies.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for these two tired boys who were similar at almost everything. They were equal in strength and intelligence, to talk about hobbies and style, you may have guessed by now they had both the same preferences. This fact though would end up in a dispute between the young twins making everyone's life around them a living hell.

The only person who was always able to shatter the pieces of bad blood between these two spoiled young teens was none other than their older sister Y/N.

Due to their mothers' death after the two had been born Y/N had taken care of them since day one. They were a true ticking bomb to have around who could explode any second, that was true but it was also true that when they were near their sister the atmosphere totally seemed to change leaving space to a calm and relaxing one full of love and smiles.

So here they were, barely awake nonetheless unstoppable.

"Kou!" one of the teens called the other, still as focused as ever on the game.

"What? You wanna admit defeat?" Kou absentmindedly counter questioned.

"No!" Kin aggressively denied.

"Then what?"

Kin was hesitant. Between the two Kou had always been the most rational one and asking that question Kou would call him dumb and childish because it was a question that didn't have any logical bases, it was just a feeling.

"Well...." Silence the younger one by 2 minutes wavered, between talking about that topic or not.

The only sound that could be heard in that early morning was the sound that came from the game they were playing.

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