ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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Sanzu's icy blue orbs gazed at the illuminated scenery of Tokyo from the small balcony of y/n's apartment

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Sanzu's icy blue orbs gazed at the illuminated scenery of Tokyo from the small balcony of y/n's apartment. With one hand leaning on the balconies railing, and the other holding his phone, he was updating his boss on the mission.

"Did anyone see you?" Mikey asked with a monotone voice.

"Well someone did not precisely see me kill but well. She might have caught on to the situation."

"If you remember her face or where she went, kill her." Mikey continued.

"Boss you see....." and that's when the phone's battery died.

"Fuck!" Sanzu angrily spat hitting the wall while rubbing the nape of his neck. He was just about to explain to Mikey the situation and why she did not seem like someone who would snitch on them to the police. It was not hard for them to deal with the police. But why go through all that when they could just kill the witness and be done with it for good.

Sanzu was not the type of man who cared, he would kill anyone without thinking twice. So what was stopping him from doing that to her too? Was the fact that she was pretty?

Well, he could not deny that he had seen many pretty women. He had even fucked models and actresses. But her beauty was something else. It was refreshing, attractive, mysterious and her cold attitude towards him just made it impossible for Sanzu not to get interested in her. It was undeniable that just by one look at her glimmering eyes full of life he had become totally captivated by her.

Yet, he could not accept that possibility. Was it maybe the fact that he felt grateful to her and did not want to give her such a brutal ending? He still had no answer for all of those questions. In the end, there was one thing clear, he had to get rid of her one way or the other.

Shrugging he went inside, ready to follow in with his plan.

As Y/N was playing a game on her phone. She heard footsteps halting right in front of the kitchen door. When she looked up her eyes were met with the pink-haired mans' shocked face.

"What the fuck? You made dinner for me?"

"Don't curse in front of the food. Anyway, it's for both of us. See there are two plates. Now come and sit." Y/N gave him a fake smile while closing her phone and leaving it on the side of the table.

The guy was still looking at her with eyes nearly popping out of his skull unsure how to deal with the situation presented in front of him. He continued staring at her and then plates for a good one minute. Until he cleared his throat and went to sit down in front of Y/N.

As he had finally come, Y/N started eating. But the guy's attention was only on her uninterested to even take a look at the delicious meal she had just prepared.

"What you think I poisoned it? Or is it not to your liking?" she said while being focused on the food in front of her. She had obviously noticed his burning stare on her.

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