‼️ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙‼️

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*Warning: Mature Content*

Though Y/N tried with all her might to push Ran away her current position didn't allow for the legs to give kicks at the said male and punching him felt like punching a rock no matter how much strength she put on it

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Though Y/N tried with all her might to push Ran away her current position didn't allow for the legs to give kicks at the said male and punching him felt like punching a rock no matter how much strength she put on it. Y/N's shouting didn't stop but Ran said nothing, immediately throwing the girl on the bed.

As she got up in a seated position mustering all her strength to punch him again. Her fist froze mid-air when she was met with an already shirtless Ran eying her with a lust-filled expression.

"You know you can't escape." in a low tone Ran stated the obvious, getting closer and closer.

"Wait! Look I...." She was interrupted by the lilac-eyed man pushing her back on the bed and getting on top of her for a second time this morning.

"Didn't you say to Mikey that you would offer yourself to us, in exchange for your life?" Ran asked, arching an eyebrow, looking at the gulping young woman under him.

"I....I...." Y/N stuttered to get anything out of her mouth, remembering how stupidly confident she had been when she told them those words. Yet, something in her hoped all that time that the situation wouldn't deteriorate to that extent, that a lightening of hope would strike and the female would be able to escape like the main character in a movie. Yet here she was, no hope, nothing who was she kidding she wasn't in a movie, much less being the main character.

Now it was too late, she knew she had to face this and if she resisted nothing good would come out of it. It had been her mistake to carelessly sprout words out of her mouth like that and now she had to suffer the consequences of those thoughtless actions. Still, she couldn't shake off the feeling of sheer thrill she felt running through her body when gazing at the man above her at the thought of what he was going to do.

Ran looked at her struggling form which had been pushing him some seconds ago, stop moving, ready to accept whatever it was to come.

"Good, my princess, understands so well." He said caressing her face and hungrily going in for a kiss. As their lips connected, Y/N instinctively tilted her head as she let her lips part in between the kiss giving access to Ran to slip his bottom lip in between hers.

His hands roamed over her sides, slipping them under the only article of clothing in her upper body, coming in contact with her tits groping them, and then pinching her nipples. Making a moan escape from the woman's mouth against his lips. Ran smirked, as his lips trailed down her neck, sucking every part of her soft youthful skin.

Y/N didn't want to accept it within herself but being under him, feeling his hot touch against her skin had left the woman elated. It felt so good that it was impossible to deny the fact that her body needed more.

Ran continued licking up her neck moving behind her left ear, having the girl make a second moan out of pleasure from the heated contact his warm tongue made with that specific body part. To add to this his woody scent entering her nostrils bringing even more delight to the now aroused young woman. His hands which were playing with her nipples went further down tugging the hem of her sweatshirt. The girl who was in trance obediently took off the sweatshirt freeing her breast, as her nipples made contact with the cold air of the room. But they didn't remain like that for long as Ran now with his full attention on them, latched his lips on one of her nipples while playing with the other making Y/N's breath get stuck in her throat trying to suppress the loud moans caused by his actions. She had completely lost herself to the pleasure Ran was bringing to her.

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