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"It seems like you are slowly warming up to your kidnappers

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"It seems like you are slowly warming up to your kidnappers."

Harsh were the words spoken by the tall and lean man Y/N was so familiar with. Hiro was always like this. There were times when his words had been harsher than that, yet the tiny ache they caused in her heart was impossible to go unnoticed. Hiro was her best friend, her most trusted companion and ally, and that was also why the icy tone in his voice which many would have not noticed sounded colder than usual to the young girl.

"What do you mean?" As her eyes met him, an overwhelming desire to embrace him enveloped her. However, the weight of his words held her in place, rooted to the spot, unable to move.

Before uttering a word, a fleeting notion danced across his mind, prompting him to draw nearer to where Y/N stood.

"Not here. Come with me first." Hiro grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the balcony, as she willingly followed. Despite the lingering pain, the situation required for her to not only think emotionally.

The sides of the balcony were connected with stairs that descended straight to the large maze-like gardens. As they passed through a road full of beautifully well-maintained bush shrub sculptures they entered inside a long corridor of what seemed like wisterias.

Although all autumn had left it with, was the yellowish color of the leaves it still had a pleasing and tranquil look to it. The lighting in the garden was meek in comparison to that of the grand ball on the other side but that was what gave it the privacy and thrill of secret prohibited encounters.

Hiro's hand felt warm and familiar, something she had missed for so long. His grasp, though firm, possessed an underlying gentleness. Despite the semblance of anger in his demeanor, she sensed a profound relief emanating from him, as if finding solace in the sanctuary of her presence at last. The rest of their rushed walk was made in silence as Y/N observed the back of her most trusted friend. They settled into their seats, and it was only then that Y/N snapped back to reality, her senses returning to her in a sudden rush.

On a bench along the maze-like corridor full of wisterias, Y/N was facing Hiro who, head down, stared at his hands. The young girl remained quiet as she felt the tension in the air, waiting for Hiro to say the first word.

"The moment when you called me and told me everything that had happened to you, I felt like someone had stabbed me through with a knife. I felt like a failure.." Hiro's words were monotone as if stuck on the same straight line yet even in that straight line the color of his emotions was visible. Y/N's hand moved on instinct as she put it on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"Yet.." the tone of the voice changed as it deepened. "I still tried to maintain my composure while talking to you and wasted not even a second without making all the preparations necessary so I could save you from those bastards."

She patted his back softly. "Here you are, you were able to save me."

His body froze as he lifted his head, throwing her a cold angry look. "But I pondered as I was doing all of this for you, as I was helping the gang I abhorred with all my being just so I could obtain some power in here to help you escape without anyone knowing, just so I could do as you wished...... Why? Why did you let yourself get caught again? We both know you are more than capable of escaping worse situations than these people were putting you through ...."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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