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As she lifted herself to sit on top of him, Y/N could feel his hands traveling down her spine, cupping her ass and kneading it

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As she lifted herself to sit on top of him, Y/N could feel his hands traveling down her spine, cupping her ass and kneading it.

She put both hands on his chest as Sanzu gently helped her lift her hips up, positioning herself on top of it. Slowly lowering her body as her wet folds bumped with his dripping tip, until she felt it push through the tight ring of her pussy.

"Haru!" her trembling moan echoed around the room and he grunted, slapping the flesh of her ass as she settled to the hilt, her walls once again adjusting to his length.

He waited, laying below her, his eyes half-lidded and already lost in an abyss of bliss, deft fingers moving up and down her thighs and ass, impatiently urging her to move.

Yet, he didn't speak; he remained quiet, looking at her divine form on top of him, breathing slowly, eyes closed, hands exerting little to no pressure on his chest.

The moment he had been waiting for didn't take long to come as she started rolling her hips along his cock, earning deep grunts from Sanzu.

It was neither fast nor slow the way she moved her hips, yet it was filled with so much excitement and need as she grinded down on his cock trying to stimulate her tender clit. It was such a pace that made each movement of her hips feel like a cataclysmic event getting prepared for the eruption.

As she moved her hips up and down on the man, Sanzu's eyes rested on her boobs plopping.

Extending one arm he grabbed one of her boobs squeezing her nipple hard earning a moan from the woman who not even for a second stopped her movement.

Sanzu was in a daze as his eyes lingered on her body, and face and then fell down on her cunt moving in and out of him.

The only audible sound in the room was the slapping of flesh against each other while some occasional grunts would come out of Sanzus lips.

Sensing how Y/N had completely gone quiet, Sanzus eyes went up from her boobs meeting with her eyes.

A single look of plea was enough for him to shove her up and down his length, as her weak leg muscles were unable to keep up anymore.

Sanzus hips commenced fucking up into her pulsating heat meeting with her own, doubling the amount of pressure.

And the way her eyes rolled back, was a sign of that. Bouncing her on his cock way harder than before, he forced himself into the deepest parts of her pussy until his cockhead hit her cervix.

Earning a moan from her.

"You like it like this, doll?" Sanzu asked while his veiny arms kept a firm grasp on her hips, as he fucked into her.

Y/N lowered her head to look at him, lips parted, eyes barely able to focus on him. All she could do was give a weak nod.

A hard thrust, harder than any other went into Y/N hitting her cervix in such a way making her scream. It wouldn't be surprising if anyone had heard that.

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