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"Took you long enough

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"Took you long enough."

Takeomi's voice had her body jolt up in surprise and terror. The man was sitting on the armchair next to her bed, nearly intoxicating half of the room with the smoke coming out of his cigarette, staring the girl up and down.

Y/N remained glued to the door upon the sight.

"I was about to come and wake you up myself if you had taken longer...." He eyed her body up and down.

"But here you are."He paused, getting up from the armchair.

"Let's go."

The man started walking towards Y/N, as she, who was yet processing the events of the other night, still lingering on her mind, staring at Takeomi. She didn't have the slightest clue of what was happening and why he was demanding for her to follow him.

"What the fuck are you saying?" She mumbled looking up at him.

"Hmm?" His feet stilled.

"First explain to me why you were in my room waiting for me and what do you mean by let's go? Let's go where?" Her face had taken on an angry and confused expression waiting for an explanation from the said male.

Takeomi took his sweet time looking at her, huffing with continuous steps nearing where she stood.

"Mikey is calling you." He put his arm on her shoulder, gently pushing her out of his way and opening the door.

Taking no further steps, giving her a look, his lips moved. "I don't care enough to stay and wait around for people. Kid." With that said, he walked out of the door.

Y/N had to admit the man was kind of scary sometimes. But not as much as Mikey. So her legs moved on their own following Takeomi.

"You sure about that?" It was just for an instant but she noticed how Takeomi had frozen up for a second by her question.

"Move," he ordered, clearing his throat.

His reactions made Y/N smile as she put both hands behind her back jumping from one side to the other, showing her toothy smile at the now flustered Takeomi.

"Why aren't you answering?" She grinned, following him like a young mischievous child.

"You must answer."

"I'm waiting for..."


The entire walk to the living room was spent by Y/N continuously teasing him, which couldn't reach the wall that Takeomi had created with his expression after that slim moment of hesitation.

As they took their last step turning to go towards the living room's direction, Y/N could hear more than one male's voice as her face took a curious expression. Wasn't she just going to talk with Mikey? Why were other people there?

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