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As he came out with only a towel hiding his lower region and one drying his wet hair

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As he came out with only a towel hiding his lower region and one drying his wet hair.

A startled expression sat on his face when he noticed Y/N sitting in one of the two armchairs in his room which faced the balcony.

Her eyes settled on the moon that had finally set low enough to give a bright light to the place where she was standing. If it hadn't been for the fact that he hadn't used any kind of drugs in the past 24 hours, he would have really thought he was hallucinating.

The way the cold light embraced her dainty body, giving a white shimmer of glow to the exposed skin of her legs and neck, had him spellbound. Her side profile unsullied, perfectly shaped, with a straightened and composed back, gave the impression of being in the presence of a glorious goddess.

Feeling his presence her eyes darted at him, like two droplets of crystal gleaming with such refined dignity, leaving Sanzu in awe.

As they held eye contact for some while, Sanzu had never wanted to purely compliment a woman ever in his life. But the sight of her, had him entranced to the point, where no words were able to come out.

Since whatever word came to his mind they were merely able to describe the beauty in front of him

"You....you..." Y/Ns eyes curiously scanned his blue icy ones waiting for him to speak.

"what are you doing here?" That was the last thing on the list he had planned on telling her yet here he had sputtered it out.

"Thought you wanted me to stay, so you would feel less lonely. Should I just leave?" she turned to face the moon one last time gazing at it softly, then proceeding to push herself up, turning to face him.

"I didn't think you'd actually stay." Sanzus logic started working again.

"Yeah, well. Thought you'd annoy me more  if I just left." The reason was convincing, and that was what she had genuinely thought.

Yet saying it out loud to a half-naked, hot older guy, who had one arm stretched drying his pink long hair, making the nicely chiseled abs and arm muscle even more visible didn't seem credible enough anymore.

"Oh, I see then." to her luck Sanzu wasn't clever enough to notice the falter in the tone of her voice when the last syllables of those words came out.

Throwing his hair towel on the bed, his arm muscles stretched again, while his hair flowed down. He was extremely attractive, she could not lie.

"But why are the lights off?" Sanzus question had her wondering the same thing. Why didn't she switch the lights on?

"It just felt more comfortable that way.....If you want to I can switch them on."  She lifted her feet, pacing in the direction of the light switch.

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