ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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The footsteps were coming closer and closer, until the moment she heard them halt, turning her head to see who the mysterious figure standing behind her was

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The footsteps were coming closer and closer, until the moment she heard them halt, turning her head to see who the mysterious figure standing behind her was. In front of the seemingly unfazed girl stood a man. His sapphire blue eyes were looking at Y/N drowsily. His peculiar pink mullet hair shadowed his forehead which made him look very attractive combined with the sharp jawline. But what had her curious and captivated by him was the way how his scars near his lips fit so well with his perfectly shaped overall features.

While observing him in a daze, she did not notice that they both had been staring at each other without uttering a single word until he cracked a grin before falling unconscious in front of her. 'How wired' as she thought that blood dripping from a large wound in his abdomen caught Y/N's eyes.

Which made her immediately approach him in a state of concern for the unknown stranger.

"Sir, can you hear me? Sir are you okay?" Obviously, he was not okay but she had to keep him awake until the ambulance came.

"Sir I'm calling an ambulance. You'll be fine," she assured him while taking her phone out of her pocket and dialing the number of the ambulance.

However a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her from pressing the call button.

"Don't you fucking dare, call the ambulance." the man who fortunately was not completely unconscious, said through gritted teeth, with his voice barely above a whisper.

It didn't take long for Y/N to be 100% convinced that he in fact was the one who had shot and the people whose grunts she had heard were his victims. To confirm it furthermore he had a gun in his other hand.

Her brain was telling her to leave him there and not interfere with his business. It was obvious how dangerous he was. But something in her made her unable to move, she wanted to get up and leave even if she had to run through the pouring rain...wait, the pouring rain? She couldn't hear it anymore. And as she turned her head Y/N saw that it had stopped and the roads were quiet without anyone walking around.

Even if she did leave him, there would be no one else to come for help. So the chances of this man, making it out alive without her help were slim. This was the excuse she made herself believe, in order not to leave the man there.

'Fuck it, I'll take him to my apartment.'y/n thought.

"Okay then Sir, I need you to get up, so I can help you." She turned her head to look at him and touch his shoulder. He was not moving at all.

So slowly by holding him Y/N got the man up. His heavy body was leaning completely on her. To add up to this the height difference made it harder for her to keep him from making the petite girl lose her balance and fall off together.

After the long walk with a half-conscious man leaning by her side, her hand pressing on his wound to keep the bleeding in, she got many stares, but at least she had finally arrived at the destination.

Y/N immediately sat him on the couch and went to take the first aid kit. When she came back Y/N saw those sapphire blue eyes staring at her curiously.

"Uhm, well I see you woke up," Y/N said while walking closely and kneeling right in front of him.

"Now take off your shirt."

His eyes widened and then a smirk crept across his face.

"Oh I guess you're a straightforward one," he said as he obediently started removing his shirt.

She glared at him coldly. "I don't think you want to joke around with the person who is trying to treat your wound."

His smirk fell and then he nodded.

"Good, now if it hurts it will hurt. I can't do anything about it. You're the one who didn't want professional help, so just bear with this."

As she was treating his wound, Y/N could feel his intense gaze on her. But she had decided to brush it off, her goal right now was to finish treating him. When she used to get hurt from training in order to hide it from her mother who would worry if she saw her in that state, Y/N had learned how to take care of her own injuries.

After doing so she got up and went to put the aid kit in its place.

Although she was fully aware of his gaze following every step and every move she was doing.

Well, it was obvious he would be looking like that, he was with a stranger at her house and treating his wound, she thought.

When she came back she saw him still at the same place looking at her and that's when Y/N couldn't take it anymore.

"Why the....." she got cut off by him saying.

"You're so pretty!" Y/N looked at him in disbelief. Was this guy serious?

"What, you don't believe me?" He said, chuckling.

"What game are you playing?"

"Game? I should be the one asking you that don't you think? I was the one brought into your apartment and as a matter of fact, I have no idea why you helped me and took me in. You might even be someone sent by our enemies to kill me." He said lying down on the couch, and putting one hand over his closed eyes.

"You obviously do look 'extremely concerned'." she sarcastically retorted at him.

"Anyway I just did what I thought was the right thing to do, that's it. I don't care who you are or what you do, that's none of my concern." With that said she walked to the kitchen to make something to eat, turning her back at him.

He started laughing maniacally, and Y/N turned to look at him with a questioning expression. Was he a psycho? What was wrong with this guy?

"The right thing to do? What are you dumb or naive? Didn't you see the gun?....."

And that was how he continued provoking her while she went on cooking, ignoring his existence completely. She knew she was being very indifferent to the side of her screaming and asking her what the hell was she doing with a murder in her living room, talking so casually and making food for, instead of being cautious. Yet, she continued doing it.

After finishing everything and putting it on the table she went to call him.

He was not there though.

Where had he gone now?

Did he leave just like that?

Then she saw the balcony door half open. He was talking on the phone with someone.

'Well, it's his business, not mine.' She reminded herself again and went to the kitchen, sitting down on the table and scrolling on her phone. Y/N had made an extremely idiotic promise to herself since the moment she decided to help him, that she was going to be as cold as possible and not pry on whatever he was doing so that he would leave and never turn back.

Or that was what she was hoping he would.

Or that was what she was hoping he would

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