ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟞

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The night sky was incredibly dark, so deeply tainted into a pitch black color you had rarely seen, there were no stars yet the moon shone brightly

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The night sky was incredibly dark, so deeply tainted into a pitch black color you had rarely seen, there were no stars yet the moon shone brightly....brightly yet ominously.

The ominous kind that gave off a feel of anxiety, of what was about to happen. As though a premonition was being sent, to the beautiful girl, sitting next to one of the most wanted criminals in Japan.

The car ride was silent. Mikey stared outside the window the whole time while Sanzu once in a while would sneak glances at Y/N but besides that, nothing else occurred.

As she had previously stepped inside the vehicle she had been so sure Mikey would have told her something or at least threatened her on how to act. Yet, he was silent, as if he was testing her, to observe each and every reaction, move, and word she would say as though she was a creature that needed to be studied.

Mikey's thought process was something she could not understand, despite knowing the fact that it was possibly related to something her dad had done to him. Before she could continue her train of thoughts was abruptly stopped by Mikey's words.

"After we greet some people you are free to go wherever you want. We've got some important business after." His head turned in her direction.

"I expect to leave early, so don't make it harder." there was a sharpness in his voice that could pierce every cell of the listener. His eyes, were dark and enigmatic, making shivers run down Y/N's spine the more she stared into them.

"Then, what am I, your 'pretty partner', supposed to do in the meantime?" her tone, filled with irony, as she repeated the words he had told her in the morning. He sighed, turning to look outside the window, ignoring the girl's words.


He didn't answer. So she went closer, shoving the end of the dress out of the way as it was blocking half of her body from moving comfortably.

"I'm seriously curious, why am I coming with you? I can guess a million reasons why, but it would really help to narrow it down a bit. What do you think?" Sanzu in the meantime had been forgotten as Y/N's full attention was on Mikey as was his. Which he was able to hide perfectly well. Mikey's eyes slowly turned on her, the same dark, unwelcoming color filled with nothing but void, pure deep void. 

"Y/N do you know who your father really is?" Y/N's eyes blinked more than once, settling to look at nothing in particular as they unfocused.

"What...do you mean?" she had an idea what he meant yet she continued playing dumb. "Yet, your body is telling me something different." Due to the fact that she was trying to understand the meaning of his words, she had not noticed the male getting closer.

"Do you want to know why I'm so interested in you Y/N?" she did not respond nor move.

"It's easy all you need to do is ask him.." He whispered those last words and turned to do what he had been doing before.

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