☁️Misty eyes☁️

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Zander POV

I walked into the music room after school the next day. Everyone was already there. Milly was tuning her guitar, Sean was setting up his laptop, and Hailey and Jake were setting up the speakers and microphone. I began to set up my keyboard near Luke's drums and he looked at me. "Hey..." he said. I smiled a bit at him, but it wasn't too genuine and I think he could tell...

"I missed you at the last few practices..." he said. I nodded slightly before Milly ran over. "Hey dude!" she smiled. "Where ya been? You weren't plannin' on leavin' us, were ya?" I shook my head. "Stuff just happened, and I needed some time to cool off." I said...Hailey and Jake looked over. Both of them looked upset. "Well, we're glad to have you back" Sean smiled at me. Then he noticed the music papers I was taking out of my bag. "Woah, dude! You wrote a song?!" Hailey asked. I nodded. "Is it cool if I play it before we practice?" She nodded with excitement and Luke smiled. I stood at my keyboard, my hands shaking...this could either go amazing or be a disaster...I saw Hailey and Jake looking at me, and felt my stomach twist as I began to play...

(Watch the video, then continue reading ^^)

Once I finished, I got up and walked out of the room at a fast pace. My eyes were starting to well up with tears and I could hear foot steps behind me. I ran faster until I got to my locker and stood in front of it. My vision cleared, and I saw Luke standing there...

"Are you okay...?" he asked while holding my hand lightly. "Why'd you run out like that...?" I felt my face get warm when he held my hand and he wiped away the tears left on my face. Guess there was no hiding it now..

After explaining it, Luke looked absolutely shocked..."Do...Sean and Milly know..?" he asked, and I shook my head in response. "Kinda worried they'll blame Hailey..." I sighed. Luke stayed quiet then hugged me. I hesitated before hugging him back, then we looked at each other. "You wanna go to Stacy's Mamamia Pizza after school...?" he asked. I nodded, then we both headed back to the band room.

"Zander, you were awesome!" Milly smiled, and Hailey nodded a bit. "Yeah, that was awesome!" Sean added. I just smiled at them...they would know something was up when me and Jake weren't as flirty as we used to be.....

*Flashback to two weeks prior to the incident*

"Alright! We did awesome!" Milly laughed. We all nodded in agreement. Luke attempted to spin his drumstick with his hand and dropped it by accident. I felt someone hug me from behind, and that someone was Jake. I couldn't help but smile at him. "You did awesome, Zan" he smiled. I felt my face heat up and I hugged him back while thanking him. "Ew! No PDA in the music room!" Milly shouted. I laughed and Jake rolled his eyes at her. "Oh, hush Milly." Luke said. "I think it's sweet..." Hailey nodded in agreement. "Anyways, change of topic..." Milly said. "You guys wanna grab a bite to eat later?" "Oh yeah, pizza!" Sean smiled. "Pizza sounds pretty good!" Luke said, and I nodded. "Gee, I wish I could..." Hailey sighed. "But I gotta watch my sister and her friend who's coming over" "Yeah, and I got homework" Jake said before hugging me again. "Sucks to be you, you'll miss out!" Milly said. "But hey, Hailey won't have to see the romance so kudos to her." I growled at Milly. "Shut up!" I shouted, as she and Sean started to laugh...

*End of flashback...*

"Zander? Yo, you good dude?"

"Huh..? What...?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as Milly snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, uh....y-yeah, I'm fine." I looked over at Luke he smiled a bit at me before squeezing my hand lightly. God, why is my face so hot?! I'm sure it's nothing...maybe stress, or maybe I'm running a fever....that has to be it...

"Alright, let's play" Jake smiled before getting in front of the microphone. Hailey picked up her guitar while smiling at Jake, and me and Luke went back to our instruments. This is wild...it's almost like Jake and Hailey weren't phased by this....but I know Hailey. She'll stick by me..

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now