🎃Spooky Scary Skeletons🎃

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Luke POV

I was outside Zander's house waiting for him and Hailey to come out. Jake was also with me. He was dressed as The Joker and I was dressed as Mabel Gleeful from Reverse Falls. "Nice uh...costume" Jake said as I put on my gloves. "Thanks.." I said. Jake certainly looked terrifying, there was no exaggerating that. I slightly had a feeling I knew what Hailey would be dressed as..

Sure enough soon after, the door opened. There stood Hailey dressed as Harley Quinn, and Zander dressed as Dipper Gleeful. Hailey went bonkers over mine and Zander's costumes. "You two look amazing!" she smiled. I smiled back. "Thanks..." I said, almost zoning out..I was too distracted with Zander's outfit. He looked really cool...and cute, might I admit. "Come on, let's go" Jake said, putting his arm around Hailey


Zander POV

The dance was in being held in the auditorium and everything was decked out in Halloween stuff. There were speakers playing Halloween music on the stage, and surrounding them was some working fog machines. Purple, green, and orange lights flashed from a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Best part was that everyone was in costume

"Why couldn't I be Dipper..." Luke sighed as Hailey and Jake went off to dance. "Because you look fabulous as Mabel" I said back while smirking. "Now, let's find Milly and Sean"

Finding Milly was pretty easy. Not too hard to spot a dead bride. She saw us and immediately came over. "Nice skirt, Luke" she said smirking. I only just now remembered


is wearing

a s k i r t......

Luke POV

"Zandy, are...you okay...?"

When I looked at Zander, his face was completely red. Milly walked off as I tried to get his attention. "Zander, say something.."

After a few seconds, he blinked then said "sorry, spaced out..." I nodded and held his hand, then smiled as I started to realize why he looked like a walking tomato with purple and black hair


Zander screamed loudly as someone behind placed their hands on his shoulders. He quickly grabbed me while shaking and I put his arms around him. That's when I noticed the person was wearing a ghost face costume


The person lifted their mask and sure enough, it was indeed Sean. "You guys look dope" he smiled. Zander looked at Sean. "You jerk! You nearly scared me half to death!" he snarled. "That's my job" Sean chuckled. "To make people scream"

"You look cool, Sean" I said with a smile. He went to speak, then Daisy walked in. She was wearing a long pink dress that made her look like Angelica Schuyler. Sean's face flushed a light redish colour and he walked over. Zander slowly pulled himself off of me and held both my hands. "Wanna go have some fun?" I asked, and he nodded.


Zander POV

I couldn't get my mind off the fact that Luke, my crush, was wearing a skirt. He just looked so cute! I'm getting the feeling he can tell why I keep blushing. Everything was going fun until suddenly, we heard laughing

"You two look so ridiculous!" Liam shouted. "Nerd alert!" Henry laughed. Me and Luke looked at Jake's three old friends, each dressed as someone from South Park. Drew was Stan, Henry was Kenny, and Liam was Cartmen. All three of them continued laughing. "What do you want, Drew." Luke said sternly. "Just looking for Jake. He's supposed to be here to finish off our group costume."

"Hey, isn't that him?" Henry said looking over at Jake who was dancing with Hailey. Drew walked over in a fume of rage. "I thought I told you to come as Kyle!!" he yelled in Jake's face. As the two of them argued, Luke looked at me and smiled. "What? What..?!" I said panicking as my face reddened again

"You just look super cute" he said smiling, before kissing me on the cheek. Jake's friends walked by again and Drew threw an empty cup onto me. It hit my head, snapping both me and Luke out of our trance. All three of them laughed then went off..."Don't worry about them" Luke sighed. "I'll deal with em. No one hurts you and gets away with it." I couldn't help but smile at that

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now