😈The devil strikes again😈

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Zander POV

While getting my keyboard from my locker at lunch for practice, I heard fighting down the hall. When I got closer I saw Jake and Sean holding back Milly, and Drew holding back Zoey. Oh god, here we go..another fight...

"Drew, that insane girl attacked me!" Zoey cried while grabbing Drew's arm. God, she is so fake. Zoey's always bothering Milly and Milly always fights back. It's just in her nature to do that, which has earned Milly the title The Pink Haired Devil

"Girls..! What is the meaning of this...?!" we all heard. Our history teacher, Miss Jones, came out of her classroom and stepped between the two girls. "She hurt me! She's an animal!" Zoey shrieked while shedding a few fake tears. "I didn't even lay a hand on her!" Milly yelled back. "Girls, enough..." Miss Jones sighed. "Meet me in my classroom after school, we will discuss this then.."

Zoey walked off with Drew and Sean began to walk to the music room with Milly, who was fuming mad. I started to go with them, then Jake stopped me. "Can I...talk to you?" he asked. I just sighed and looked at him. "I've heard your little story. And I know you and Hailey like each other." Before he could say another word, I walked into the music room. I'd feel bad, but how can I feel remorse for him after what he's been putting me through...


Hailey looks very distracted with something. Most likely Jake.... I'm so tempted to just spill the news to Milly and Sean. Luke knows and I get the feeling he's mad at Jake, but I'm not sure. I'm honestly on the verge of just saying it out loud....'Jake cheated on me and now him and Hailey are dating'...I'm not usually the type to do that though. Then I remembered what I heard Luke saying to Jake a while back when he first joined our band

"If you ever, hurt Zander... you'll be dealing with me after"

I looked at Luke who was fiddling with his drumsticks again. He looked at me and smiled. Quickly, I turned my head so he wouldn't think I was staring. He was really cute but...I don't like him do I? This is too confusing...

"Come on, guys! Let's get going" Hailey said, picking up her guitar. Jake stood in front of his microphone, prepped and ready to go. I sighed as I thought about how me and him used to look at each other the same way Luke just looked at me. I'm trying hard to make this seem like it's not a huge deal, but it is. I think Milly and Sean can tell something's wrong...god, I can't keep this secret anymore. I'm telling them!!

"Guys, hold on." I said. Everyone looked over. "There's something I need to discuss with you all. Specifically about Hailey and Jake."

"Zander...what are you doing..." Jake said quietly. Hailey looked in a panic as I continued. "Well guys, first I'd like to start by saying I'm sure you've noticed that things between me and Jake have gotten....icy."

"Yeah, we have. You two lovebirds stop dating or something?" Milly asked, guitar fighting in hand. "Not quite." I said. Luke was staring at me and from the look he was giving me, it was like he was telling me that saying it out loud wasn't the right thing to do. I knew it wasn't but...it had to be said...although, I was willing to let it go for now...

"The thing is, we....kinda broke up..." I said. "Aww, really..?" Milly asked. "Man, that sucks..." Sean added. I nodded. "We just decided it wasn't working too well, and it was a bit distracting for us for practice..." I bit my tongue, trying to not tell the truth about this. "Well, that's too bad..." Milly sighed. Hailey nodded in agreement and I looked right at her. Milly and Sean will find out. I intend on letting them know about it a some point...

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