👻Night visions (the bad kind)👻

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Zander POV

I practically had to beg Luke to let me stay at his house overnight...Hailey was having Jake over....she said it was a way of "comfort", but I think that's a load of bullcrap. When Luke finally agreed, I just hugged him tightly before we had to get off the bus near my house and get my stuff. When we got back to his place, it was pretty late since we had been out all day mostly at the mall. So we just had some fries and chicken, then went to his room. "What all do we do?" I asked as I put my bag by his door. "Well..." he said as he went over to his bed. "I was thinking maybe......" I looked up and before I could say another word,


I got hit in the face with a pillow. I could hear Luke laughing as I picked it up, then threw it back. Luke grabbed his second pillow and threw it at my legs. I ran over and sat next to him smiling. "You're too perfect to me..." I sighed while blushing. He put his arm around me then kissed my cheek. I smiled and layed back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Luke layed down next to me and said "you doing okay..?" I nodded. "Never been better..." I said, then slipped my hand onto his as we smiled at each other. "Whaddya say we watch a movie?" he asked, and I nodded in response. "Only if I get to pick!"


Luke POV

I think out of all the horror movies, Us is by far one of the creepiest. Not sure why Zander picked it. I thought he hated horror movies. We were both on the floor against my bed watching with blankets piled around us and my arm around his shoulder. Every few minutes he would flinch slightly, so I'd give him a light pat on the shoulder which makes him smile.

All of a sudden, a jumpscare appeared on the tv. Zander practically screamed and hid his face in my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at him and squeezed his hand lightly. "You're enjoying this...aren't you?" he asked quietly. "Slightly" I giggled. I could feel his body shaking and switched the position I was in so I could hug him, and pulled him against my front. "Don't worry..." I said. "No one's gonna hurt ya..." Zander stopped shaking then put his own arms around me as we continued to watch, him burrying his face in my chest when he was scared


Zander POV

I woke up all of a sudden at around 1:30 am. My heart was beating out of my chest and my woke body was shaking as a cold sweat began to pour down my face. I couldn't stop myself from breathing fast...I tried to so I wouldn't wake Luke but...it almost felt impossible....wait.....is he still here....?!

I looked beside me and saw him still there asleep. Thank god...I thought....that......


........n-no, that's stupid. What I saw was just a dream. But I couldn't stand the thought of loosing him....

I layed back down and hugged him while my feeling exhausted. As long as I knew he was here, I'd be fine...


I screeched slightly and sat up fast. Luke sat up slowly, rubbing his head. "What's wrong...?" he asked. "N-Nothing!" I said sternly. I didn't want him to get so concerned about me having a dream like....like the one I just had...."You're a terrible liar..." Luke sighed as he hugged me. "Now what happened?"

I couldn't take it. I couldn't stay strong any longer. Not after what I saw...

Hot tears ran down my face as I tried to get the words out, but every word sounded like I was hiccuping through sobs. I only stopped after feeling Luke's hand on my back. I sniffled before looking at him, and he wiped my tears from my cheeks. "What happened?..." he asked. I sighed and kept my arms around him. "I don't want to talk about it..." I sighed, although that was a lie. I did want to talk about it, but he'd get scared and I didn't want that..

"Did the movie upset you..?" he asked, and I just shook my head no. Also a lie...and I think he could tell

"Zander, don't bother even trying to lie" he said. "Now talk please.." I looked off to the side, and then just let everything spill and as I did, it was I like I was reliving the terrifying moments of the dream....

I looked around the blank, light yellow painted hallways. I could hear screams ringing out all around me...as I began to walk down, I heard Luke's screams. I ran toward them and got to a staircase, which is where they were coming from. While walking down, I seriously considered turning back due to all the spiders crawling along the railings and walls. I'm absolutely terrified of spiders....but I'm willing to get through them to help Luke...

I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw a chair in the middle of a room with metal walls. In that chair, was Luke...completely still....alive, but....not awake....four people in orange jumpsuits were surrounding him, each with a pair of scissors in hand. "Luke!!!" I yelled, and they all looked over....that's when I saw Luke lower his head and look at me. His eyes and mouth were dripping with liquid...not blood but....it was horrifying....

Luke POV

As Zander continued to talk, I also noticed he was starting to space out and talk really fast. He kept repeating things and was starting to space out. Eventually, I knew I had to stop him...

I grabbed Zander by his shirt and kissed him, snapping him out of his talking phase. He kissed me back, then looked at me upset. "Don't worry about me...I'm fine, kay..?" I said. He nodded then layed back down, pulling me down beside him. I couldn't help but smirk at that before pulling him into another hug. "Go back to sleep..." I said quietly. He nodded then hugged me back and fell asleep in my arms. He couldn't tell, since he was asleep and not looking up, but my face in that moment was pretty red. Zander's just the absolute sweetest....I'm not gonna let anything happen to him.....

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