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No one's POV


Everyone looked up after hearing Milly's locker door slam shut. Zander held Luke's hand out of fear from the sudden noise. "You okay, Milly?" Hailey asked

"No." the pink haired girl said. It was school picture day and everyone's parents wanted them to look nice, including Milly's mom who had made her get dressed up in a frilly silvery, blue and purple dress with sparkles. "I think it looks nice" Luke said "you don't think it looks nice?" "I can't tell." Milly said placing a hand on her hip "it's melting my eyes"

As for everyone else, they didn't mind getting dressed up for the most part. Hailey was wearing a white top with a light grey cardigan sweater over top, along with dark blue jeans, and her usual boots she wore every day. Her hair was down too, which didn't happen often. Zander was wearing what he usually would wear. Light purple top, dark purple blazer, black pants with suspenders, and black shoes. "It was the nicest thing I own" he said. "I doubt it, Zander." Hailey smirked.

Luke was wearing a black top, his red scarf, dark jeans, and black boots. Jake just threw on a random top, his favourite jacket, and black jeans along with the shoes he wore every day. Same with Sean

"I can't believe they're not taking pictures until near the end of the day." Milly sighed. "I'm gonna be stuck in this getup all day and try to not get it ruined."

She looked up at the others. Luke and Zander were busy flirting with each other, Hailey was picking up stuff she had just dropped, and Jake was checking himself out on his phone camera. "Are you guys even listening to me?!" Milly said. Everyone looked up and nodded. "Ya gotta admit, it could look worse" Hailey said


The group walked into the cafeteria. Everyone was dressed up in fancy clothes. "Wonder if they were forced too." Milly said. She noticed Elliot sitting at a table with Daisy. Both of them looked at the group and smiled. The group sat down and everything seemed to be going fine, until Milly got up to get more ketchup from the kitchen. Lia and Zoey walked by with their trays and...


Milly stood frozen in place, absolutely in shock as Lia dumped her tray all down the front of her dress. Everyone looked over in shock and some kids laughed

"Oh my gosh, Milly, I'm so sorry!" Lia giggled. "I'm such a klutz!"

Her and Zoey continued to laugh. Leftover pieces of spahgetti were now hanging off of Milly's dress while huge red sauce stains were bleeding into the fabric. Milly growled at the two girls, who continued to laugh, but then did something shocking

Milly leaned forward, picked of a handful of potatoes off Zoey's tray, and threw them into Zoey's hair. "MY HAIR!!!!" Zoey screamed. Lia panicked and backed up trying not to get anything on her own outfit.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!" everyone heard Henry yell. Everyone got up and began throwing hot plates, cold dishes, and full drinks at each other. "You're all heathens!!" Zander yelled as he quickly got under the table him and the others were at

Sean stood up on the bench he was seated at, as Liam did the same at his own table next to them. He threw his Pepsi bottle at Sean's head. However Sean quickly dodged it which made the bottle hit Daisy in the head. Not only did it hurt, but the bottle got shaken from the throw and the drink sprayed in Daisy's face. That about did it. Sean grabbed the exploding bottle and threw it at Liam

Luke stood at the table close to where Zander was, grabbing food off his own tray and throwing it at people. Zander intended on staying under table to try and keep as food stain free as he could. That is until someone threw a handful of pie at Luke's head. Zander got out from under the table and began chucking food at people

Meanwhile Zoey, Milly and Lia were pelting each other with toppings from the kitchen. Milly placed several bags of ketchup on the ground, then stomped on them hard which made them bust open all over Lia's shoes. Lia and Zoey ripped open a few salt bags and three them at Milly, attempting to get them in her eyes but failed. Milly proceeded the same ketchup stomp process, except this time with relish being aimed at Zoey

The wild fight continued until suddenly, an announcement came on

"Would all junior and senior students please make their way to the auditorium for photos to be taken. That's all junior and senior students, making their way to the auditorium for photos to be taken."

The fight ceased, and everyone looked at each other before heading to the gym. As they were leaving, Drew snuck up behind Zander and squirted mustard into his hair. "DREW, BACK OFF." Luke yelled in his face. "Okay, chill peanut boy" Drew smirked. "Don't hate the player, hate the game." Luke glared at him as he walked off with Drew and Liam. Luke put his arm around Zander as they continued to walk together


"Good gracious, what happened to you all?!" Miss Jones exclaimed upon seeing the teens. "Never mind, I-I don't think I want to know...just...please get together for the picture, and then line up for individual photos..."

Everyone got together in their spot for the photo. The whole music club stood next to each other in the back. Luke and Zander put an arm around one another. The only one who wasn't a complete mess was Sadie, considering she had already eaten and was in the library when the fight started. The only thing was that she had some ketchup stains on her shoes, but they weren't seen since she was in the back. Despite being covered in food, Zoey and Lia insisted on sitting in the front row. The music club couldn't help but snicker at how those two still thought they deserved the spotlight with those "winning hairdos"


"Well, today was certainly eventful" Luke said smiling nervously as Zander and him walked home. "Y-Yeah..." Zander said nervously. "God, I hope my parents won't be mad..."

"They'll understand..." Luke said kissing him on the cheek. "And we don't have to tell them we were part of the fight..."

Zander nodded with a smile and they continued to head home

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now