💧🌹Raindrops On Roses🌹💧

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Luke POV

We ended up getting to my house at a good time. Because right as we did, it began to downpour rain followed by heavy winds. Me and Zander were in my room, and he left to go to the bathroom. He said he wasn't feeling good, so he might be a while. So I just decided to sit here and listen to some music

I looked at my phone and realized Zander had been gone for almost 40 minutes. I know he said he might be a bit but....this is concerning...I took my headphones of as another bolt of lightning struck outside, and then I heard a slight scream from the bathroom. It sounded like Zander...something was definitely wrong....

Quickly I made my way to the bathroom in the hallway. I pressed my ear against the wood, trying to listen for if Zander was in this one or the downstairs one. Sure enough though, I could hear faint sobbing inside...I didn't feel the need to ask as I turned the knob and walked in....

When I got in, I saw Zander sitting in the tub crying. "Zander...?" I said concerned, which made him jump. "Oh, h-hey." he said getting up. "S-Sorry, I just slipped and fall back into the t-"

I stopped him by grabbing shoulders. "Don't lie..." I said. He looked down slightly turning red. "Did the storm upset you...?" I asked, and he nodded in response. I couldn't tell if his red complexion of embarrassment was from me knowing he was scared, or me grabbing his shoulders

Thunder rumbled again outside and Zander practically threw his arms around me, slightly knocking me back into the sink counter. I smiled a bit and put my own arms around his torso. "Don't worry..." I said as I covered his ears slightly so he couldn't hear the noise. Suddenly, he began to fall down a bit. I grabbed him fast and pulled him up, taking him to my room after. We got in and I sat on the bed with him, him laying down soon after

"When you said you...weren't feeling good," I started to say as I put a hand on his back. "Did you just not want me to see you afraid...?" He looked up, then down again and nodded. I turned on the tv and went onto Netflix. "You wanna watch something?" I asked. Lightning flashed again outside. Zander flinched slightly then nodded. "mhm..."

We settled on the movie Elf and everything seemed fine for the most part. Sure the storm was still stirring and Zander was still scared, but he did seem calmer and more like himself while distracted. He sat up and held onto me, still watching. I put my arm around him. I could still feel him shaking a bit as we heard more rain hit against the windows and roof. Keeping my hold on him, I kept trying to make jokes about the movie to make him feel better. Eventually it did work and he looked at me. "Ya feel better..?" I asked, and he nodded then stared back at the tv

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