🌡️High fever🌡️

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Luke POV

We decided to skip practice today since Zander wasn't at school. Hailey said he was running a fever and could barley move much. My parents agreed to let me check on him, so I walked there with Hailey. We both were just talking happily, then she said..

"So....you and Zander have been hanging out a lot..."

I looked off to the side. "Yeah, I guess. He's...pretty upset though..." Hailey sighed and looked down. "I-I did tell him Jake kissed me and I didn't tell him to." I shook my head. "You also said he was acting flirty, and that should've been the first red flag to you." Hailey stayed quiet and when we got to her place, she just immediately went upstairs


A small girl with purple hair and dark eyes ran over to me. This was Zander and Hailey's little sister, Bethany. She threw her arms around me while giggling and Hailey's dad walked in. "Hey Luke" he said smiling. "If you're looking for Zander, he's upstairs in his room." I nodded and headed up as Bethany ran to the kitchen.

When I knocked on the door, all I heard was Zander groaning. I walked in and saw him curled up in bed watching tv. He looked pretty miserable but once he saw me, I could notice his face brighten up a bit. "Missed ya at school today" I said smiling at him. He smiled back weakly and tried to prop himself up onto his shoulders. I sat down on the bed and put a hand on his shoulder. "I hate this....I wanna play my keyboard..." he pouted as he sat up beside me. "I know, but you can't..." I said. Zander pulled the blanket around himself, although he felt pretty warm. I looked at the tv that was playing a cooking show. "This is boring..." Zander sighed as he grabbed his phone off his bedside table and flopped back. After a bit, I layed down beside him and watched as he played a game he was into called Cookie Run. "You win herb yet?" I asked, and he shook his head in response. "I'm sure ya will soon..." He nodded, then yelled in frustration as he got a character he already had. I hugged him and said "wanna watch the tv for a bit..?" he stayed quiet for a second then nodded

Zander POV

My face felt even hotter, but not from sickness. This happens every time Luke hugs me...but I can't help it! He's so sweet and considerate and...I really think I'm in love with him. Actually, not think...I know I am...

"Zander? Are you okay..? You're spacing out again..."

I looked at Luke and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine...aside from this headache..."

Suddenly the door opened and Bethany walked in holding a cup of orange juice. Luke went and took the cup before she dropped it, then put it on my bedside table. "Whatcha doing?" she smiled. Luke smiled back and said "a making sure Zander gets better."

Bethany nodded then left. I sighed, thinking about how close me and Luke were....I slightly hoped we could be closer but....who am I kidding...he's probably interested in someone else anyway


Luke POV

Me and Zander both ended up falling asleep in his room with the tv still on. Almost two hours and twenty minutes after, I woke up completely forgetting I had even started to feel tired. I looked down at Zander, who was still asleep. His face looked a bit flushed, probably from the fever. I felt his face, and he did feel slightly warm. All of a sudden he started to wake up, then stared at me. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake ya...heh..."

I moved my hand off his face and looked away as my own face turned pink. Hopefully he doesn't notice...I haven't told Zander I like him yet and when he got together with Jake, I thought I'd never have the chance to tell him. I guess now that option is still available, but...he needs to get past his fight and break up situation first

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now