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No one's POV

Several weeks went by. The weather was getting colder and everyone was hoping for a snow day. Pretty early one morning, Zander was still asleep when he heard his phone ringing on his desk.

He sighed as he went over and looked at the screen, seeing that Milly was calling. "Milly, what do you wa-"


Zander stood there in absolute shock and confusion. Bethany suddenly ran by his door, already wearing all her winter gear. "Are you serious?" Zander asked. "Dead serious!" Milly responded. "Absolutely no work today! Just chilling at home watching tv and playing games." Zander put his phone on his desk and went into his closet to get changed. "Maybe for you" he said. I'm going to Luke's." "How're you gonna get there?" Milly asked "The roads are closed"

Zander paused. He hadn't even thought of that. He could just walk to Luke's. After all, it wasn't too far. Suddenly he heard Bethany yell downstairs

"Zander!! Your boyfriend's here!!" (A/N: IsAbElA, yOuR bOyFrIeNd'S hErE)

Zander quickly hung up on Milly as she began laughing, then ran downstairs. Luke was standing in the door covered in snow. "Hey Zander!" he smiled as soon as he saw his boyfriend. Zander threw his arms around Luke, which made him laugh a bit. "You still have yet to tell me what we're doing today" Luke said while looking at Zander. "Cause it's a surprise" Zander said while putting his winter gear on


A while later, Zander's mom drove Luke and him to an indoor ice skating rink. Luke could tell Zander was excited, but he couldn't say the same about himself. Luke had never been too good at skating. He tried rollar skating once when he was younger and fell multiple times. But maybe since he was older, he'd gotten better

After the two boys went inside and got their skates, Luke felt more anxiety build in his stomach. Zander quickly got his skates on and went over to the rink. "Come on, Luke!" he called out to his lover. Luke nodded while nervously tying his second skate, and then made his way over. He held on to the side of the rink, his legs visibly shaking. Zander stayed close and held both of Luke's hands. Luke's butterscotch eyes filled with terror, as he feared of falling. "Want me to help you?" Zander asked. Unlike his boyfriend, Luke didn't find shame in admitting he was in need of assistance.

Zander began skating while pulling Luke gently along with him. "It's kind of like walking...." he said with a comforting smile as Luke grew more nervous. Luke wasn't moving and was just sort of being pulled along the ice by Zander, in fear that if he began moving his feet that he would fall. "Try to move a bit.." Zander said. "B-But what it I f-fall....?" Luke stuttered while beginning to shake a bit again. "Then I'll catch you" Zander smiled. Luke blushed a bit then smiled back, and began to move his feet a bit. Very slowly, Zander let go of one of Luke's hands and then the other. Luke began to panic. So much in fact he almost fell

He let out a small yell and quickly, Zander grabbed around his waste whilst skidding them both to a stop. "I-I got ya..!" he said. Luke sighed with relief before looking at Zander. "Th-That was actually kinda fun.." he smiled. Zander smiled back and said "would you want me to just hold one hand while you skate?" Luke nodded and held Zander's left hand. The two of them skated for a while again before stopping again. Zander hugged Luke again, this time putting his head in his shoulder. Both of them laughed a bit and Luke put his hand on Zander's cheek while they both smiled

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