😡The fight😡

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Luke POV

After telling Zander how I confronted Hailey and Jake, he seemed a bit worried. And that's when he told me how he told Milly and Sean...

"How...did they react?" I asked him. We were currently walking home together like we do every day. "They were...shocked, to say the least..." I sighed. "It's like....like they don't wanna believe it..."

"Well, they might not...I didn't want to at first..." Luke sighed. "I mean, Hailey and Jake are our friends...hopefully things don't get weird..."

I nodded, then we both heard our phones go off. We looked and saw a message in the group chat from Milly

🎼✨The Band✨🎼

Milly🍕🎸: @Hailey! @Jake!...

Hailey💖🎸: What's up?

Milly🍕🎸: Is it true? About you and Jake?

Hailey💖🎸: ......

Sean🍕💻: That's a yes, ain't it...

Milly🍕🎸: Why would you guys hurt Zander like that?!

Jake🎮🎤: Guys, it's not Hailey's fault. I was the one who kissed her

Sean🍕💻: Yeah, but she could have stopped you. Cause we all knew you and Zander were a thing...

I looked down and pocketed my phone...this was all my fault....I shouldn't have told them...I stopped walking and Luke did aswell..."this is ridiculous..." he said suddenly. I noticed he was reading a new message. "What's it say..?" I asked.."nothing you need to know, or see." he said. I sighed. "I'll see it anyway, Luke...it's in our group chat..." He didn't say anything else, and I looked over his shoulder as he began to type...

Jake🎮🎤: In all honesty guys, I didn't enjoy being with Zander too much. He was always uptight and he was never any fun. Maybe take into consideration how I was doing both me and him a favour

Milly🍕🎸: DUDE!!!

Sean🍕💻: Not cool, man...

Luke📔🥁: Jake, what the hell?!

Jake🎮🎤: What? I'm being serious

Luke📔🥁: Don't go blaming Zander for you being a snake! You made the choice to kiss Hailey!

Milly🍕🎸: Things are gonna be SO awkward now in band...

Sean🍕💻: Yeaaah I dunno about you guys, but I may not show up at lunch tomorrow in the band room. I don't wanna get caught up in this drama anymore

Milly🍕🎸: Yeah, I'm with Sean


Me and Luke continued to walk and I went to his place again. I couldn't stand the thought of being in the time house as Hailey this moment. While Luke continued to text argue with Jake in a private chat of just them, I just stayed seated on his bed. My legs felt numb, and I didn't wanna move....does this mean our band is falling apart..? If it does, everyone will automatically blame me...

"Nimrod." Luke sighed as he put his phone down. He then looked over at me and his expression changed from rage to concern. "I know what you're thinking.." he sighed. "And this is not your fault....yes, you told them...but they needed to know...Hailey and Jake shouldn't have betrayed you like that..."

I nodded, but tried my hardest to not move much. It felt like my stomach was being kicked around like a basketball...my eyes stung as I tried my hardest to not cry....I hated this feeling....

Luke typed something into his phone, then put it on the desk and walked over to me. He sat down and put his arm around me, pulling him to his side. "Please don't put this blame on yourself..." he said. I looked at him and just kind of...stared....this all felt like a lot....the kiss incident, Hailey just standing by in the shadows with Jake and Luke now arguing, Milly and Sean getting involved and being mad........my feelings for Luke....

Luke POV

As I sat there with Zander, I kept worrying about how he was handling all this. Right as I was about to ask, he just kinda broke down....guess that answers things...

I sat up and hugged Zander, then looked at him right in the eyes while placing a hand on his cheek. He stopped crying a bit and his face turned red. Maybe now was the time to tell him...? N-No, I can't....but what if he goes back to Jake sometime...? I'll loose my chance again......but what if I loose him.....? I can't think that way though....it's worth a try.....

"Zander...?" I said. He looked at me confused. "I think it's time I tell you something...."

Authors Note: Boom. Cliffhanger. What do you guys think will happen? Scratch that, you probably already know. This chapter got DRAMATIC!! See ya in the next one ☺️!

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