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Authors Note: Slight TW due to mentions of lockdown, gun noises, people banging on a door. If that makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip to the next chapter :)

No one's POV

The dance ended swell and weekend flew right by. Monday rolled around and Jake just....hadn't said much to the group. Luke and Zander were in English class. They kept looking at each other and smiling. Everything seemed just perfect....until it wasn't.....


Attention students and staff.
This is not a drill.
We are going into lockdown NOW.
Lock and barricade all doors, close all windows.
Secure yourselves and the students

The teacher pushed a few of the students desks against the door. Most of the students ran to one of the back corners of the room. Luke grabbed Zander's hand, pulled him up, and then pulled him into a closet. He closed the door, hearing the lock click. He hoped and prayed that they'd be fine...

Luke could tell Zander was absolutely terrified. He could feel him shaking as he held him close, and he could hear his fast, sharp breaths. He thought back to the practice drill they had a while ago and how scared Zander was then. This seemed ten times worse....hell, all of this was ten times worse...this wasn't a practice, this was real...

Luke could hear the faint hushed voices of students near the closet mumbling in fear to each other, and the teacher shushing them while trying to calm them all down. Zander began crying quietly, however the sound was slightly muffled since he kept his face burried in Luke's shirt. Luke kept one arm tight around Zander's torso, and patted his head softly with the other.

*bang bang bang*

Hearing the hitting on the door made Zander yelp with fear as Luke tightened his hold on him. Luke kissed Zander's head, feeling him shake, and said "it's gonna be okay....we're safe in here..."

"H-How can y-you b-be s-sure...." Zander mumbled into Luke's sweater. At this point he was on his knees, his arms still around Luke while gripping the back of his sweater while his head was hidden in his stomach. Luke got down in front of Zander and moved his hand through Zander's black and purple ombré hair. Zander was shaking all over and they kept hearing bangs on the door, which only made him shake more. The bangs stopped after a few minutes, then the footsteps drained away down the hall. They heard the staircase doors open and echoing footsteps run down. Zander let out a shaky breath and leaned his head on Luke's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, Zandy..." Luke whispered while hugging him again. They could hear faint gunshots and Zander almost screamed. Luke flinched aswell, and covered Zander's ears so he couldn't hear the noise as much.


Almost two and a half hours later, both boys heard the announcements start up...


Attention students and staff
This is your principal speaking
The intruder has been apprehended and is being taken into custody by the authorities.
Teachers, please lead your students from the school out of the nearest exit.

The teacher opened the closet door, and the two teens climbed out. Luke grabbed his own bag from under his desk and Zander's too, then they left with the rest of the class

Once outside, they saw they're parents waiting for them..


Both of the boys ran headed over to their parents who hugged them. "Thank god you're safe..." Luke's mom said while hugging him. After a while of hugging, the boys parents let them and Hailey go to find their friends. Sure enough, they found Sean and Millie fast. "Thank god you guys are okay.." Millie sighed. Zander was still tightly gripping onto Luke's arm. "Where are Jake and Daisy.....?" Hailey asked. Zander's mind flooded with worry...what if Jake was the one who caused this....what if he did it out of anger cause of what happened at the dance....

"Daisy's at home sick..." Sean said. "And Jake's still with his parents..."

Zander felt a wave of relief wash over him. That was a huge weight lifted off his chest...


Hours later, school had been let out early and everyone was at home. Hailey went upstairs to practice with her guitar and Zander was just in his room trying to relax. He could hear his mom talking with his sister in her bedroom

"Are Zander and Hailey okay?"

"They'll be fine dear...they're both just a bit on edge because of something that happened at school today..."

Zander couldn't stop thinking about what all had happened....he couldn't get the words of the announcements out of his head....or the sounds of door bangs and gunshots...

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock at his door, making him flinch. "Who is it....?" he said quietly, and in return he heard his stepfather's voice. "You doing okay in there, kiddo?" Zander let out a shaky sigh and said "yeah, I'm fine..." "Alright...but if something is up we can talk..."

With that he left, and Zander rested his head on his desk. He hoped and prayed that today's incident wouldn't effect him majorly...

(Authors Note: Man, it's been a hot minute since I updated this story! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though ^^! Also, happy new year!)

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