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Zander POV

A habit that Luke had recently picked up was giving me nicknames. His favourite one to call me was Zandy, but he also liked other ones. Ones like honey bun, angel, puppy,

The list was practically endless. It was insane and every time he used one, I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I tried hard to think of some for him, but it was difficult. I would call him butterscotch a few times, but I didn't enjoy it too much. Boy, did he enjoy it though. I didn't use it much, but when I did he got really smiley

After getting my keyboard from my locker, I headed into the music room. "Alright! Zander's here!" Milly smiled as I entered. "Hi sweetie" I heard Luke say as I began to set up my keyboard. As soon as he said that, I began to avoid looking at him. I felt my face grow warm as it began to turn pink. "Is Zander blushing?" Milly giggled. "N-No!" I stammered "Why would I b-"

Before I could finish, Luke grabbed around my waste and spun me around. "You look so adorable!" he smiled. Hailey also smiled as she watched us. Luke tapped my nose lightly and said "then again you're always adorable, darling"

I covered my now red face. "As much as I love this, it think we should start playing" Hailey giggled. "Y-Yeah." I said as I tried to pull away from Luke. He let go and said "I know you're gonna do great, cutie"


Luke POV

I went over to my drum set and picked up the sticks. Zander slowly stood in front of his keyboard as his face went from red to pink. He's so cute...I know when I call him pet named like that it makes him flustered, and it's cute when that happens. All in all, he's just cute in general. So while we played, I decided I was just gonna keep calling him stuff like that

(The video attached is also the song they played)


There was still a bit of time left after our song, so well decided to just chill for a bit. Hailey was going over song notes and lines with Jake, Milly was tuning her guitar, Sean was putting stuff together on his laptop, and Zander was just leaning against the wall reading a book he brought. Every few minutes I'd tap one of my drums or cymbals. Whenever I did, I saw Zander smile a bit without looking up. He thought I couldn't see, but I did. I put my drumsticks on the large, main drum and walked over to him. "Whatcha reading, angel?" I asked while hugging him from the side. He looked at me blushing a tiny bit. "Just....s-stuff" he said. "You guys and your public display of affection" Milly sighed. "Hush you." Zander said sternly, before kissing me on the cheek. "I love him and he loves me." I nodded. "That's right, Zandy"

The warning bell rang and we all started to leave. Daisy was waiting outside and she walked off with Sean. I put my arm around around Zander and the two of us headed out. "It's gonna get cold soon..." he said. I nodded. "Maybe you should bring out that new sweater you got." He smiled at me and nodded back as we continued to head to class. "S-Say, um....did anything happen with Drew and those morons...?"

I looked down and smiled. "Let's just say, they got what was coming to them"

"What'd ya do....?" he asked quietly. I just shrugged. "Told em if they messed with you, they messed with me. And if they mess with both of us, they mess with the pink haired devil herself." Zander laughed as we walked into class and sat down, staring at each other

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now