🌨️Winter Dance🌨️

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Luke POV

The winter dance was in the auditorium just like the Halloween one. It was light with a light blue light spread out. The tables, windows, and door frames were decorated with strings of Christmas lights and the classroom doors themselves had wreaths on them. I walked into the auditorium with Zander and looked around. The stage had fake candy canes and snow surrounding it. There were snowflakes hanging from the top of it too. The others were already there and then we saw Milly

 The others were already there and then we saw Milly

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(This is Milly's outfit. It's also called "I couldn't find anything that fit her so I just did this")

I looked at Zander, who was tightly holding my hand. I smiled at him. "You wanna dance?" I said to him. He smiled and nodded. A while into us dancing, we were stopped by the sound of arguing. We looked over near the snack table and saw...Jake arguing with Hailey?

"Think they're okay?" Zander asked, looking at me. "I dunno..." I responded. Hailey looked down then it seemed she began to distract herself by looking at the food table. Jake shook his head slightly then looked over at us. He began to walk over to us and as soon as he did, I could tell something wasn't right. I pulled Zander back and began to walk away. "Whatever's wrong, we're not getting involved" I said. He nodded in agreement and we went to a different part of the auditorium


Almost two hours into the dance, Jake managed to make his way over to me and Zander. He looked kind of upset. "Something going on with you and Hailey?" I asked him. "Uh...." he looked down as he spoke. "Kinda." Zander looked at me and tried to direct me away, but then Jake said something that confused and shocked both of us

"Luke, can I talk to Zander for a minute. It's important"

Zander looked at me and I knew he didn't wanna go with Jake. "He's fine right here." I said sternly while looking at Jake. Jake's expression changed to anger and he grabbed Zander's other hand. "We'll be quick" he said. I sighed then looked at Zander in his eyes. I mouthed the words 'Be careful' to him, and he nodded before being lead out of the auditorium...

Zander POV

"So Jake.." I said as we got into a hallway. "What's up?"

He leaned against the wall before looking at me. "Well Zander...." he started to say. "The thing is....me and Hailey are together but.....we haven't exactly been agreeing a lot lately....I'm worried she'll leave me for someone else..."

I looked at him concerned. Man...wonder what's going on....

.....Wait a minute. Why's he telling me this? I mean, I guess since Hailey's my stepsister that has something to do with it...but this all seems too weird....there has to be something else to this....

"You wanted to ask me something, didn't you." I said, and he nodded. "Well Zander....the thing is....."

He looked off to the side while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He smiled nervously, then said "I think I...still like ya..."

I froze. He didn't just say that....he knows me and Luke are a thing..

"I know you and Luke are together but....I thought I should let you know so things don't get awkward again..."

I couldn't move or speak in that moment. My mind filled with thoughts and memories. Thoughts and memories of me and Jake when we were together....of when everything got weird and everyone was fighting....of when Luke kissed me, and me and him officially got together.....

I couldn't just leave him....I don't want to....I still can't believe Jake said what he just said. There is no way...I'm going back to him...

"Jake, I can't." I said simply. He looked up with a crushed expression on his face. Then he looked down and nodded, his eyes looking a bit watery. "Alright..." he said. "I-I can understand that....I just....wanted to get it out."

We stared at each other for a few minutes before he walked off. Suddenly, I felt faint. I wobbled slightly and leaned against the wall as I tried to keep my balance. I ran into the bathroom and into a stall, about ready to puke. I almost did, then collapsed onto my knees as tears ran down my face. After a few minutes, I heard a voice...


I looked up and saw someone who I barley run in to. Elliot..

"H-Hey." I said standing up. "Are you okay..?" He asked. "You look feverish...."

I shrugged and walked out of the stall. "Just....stuff going on." I said. Me and Elliot only knew each other cause he talked with Milly sometimes, and me and him had math together. "I can go get Luke.." he said, and I just nodded. Elliot left and I went back into the stall. I leaned against the side of it, worried I'd throw up when Luke walked in. Shortly after, he did come in looking worried. He ran over and put his hands on my shoulders. "What happened..?" he asked. I couldn't stay calm anymore, and just started to cry...

After I explained everything, I saw a look of pure rage in Luke's eyes. He pulled me into a hug and said "I'll deal with Jake." I nodded, still trying to stop the tears flowing from my eyes...I began to feel less sick but.....everything felt awful.....

Luke could tell I was still upset, and leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll make sure he doesn't do anything to you." he said. I nodded, the sick feeling dying down completely. I felt a lot safer when I was with Luke....I knew he wouldn't let anyone hurt me....the two of us left the bathroom and went back to the auditorium. Jake wasn't there...Hailey was at the side of the wall, talking with Daisy and Milly. She seemed completely fine. Maybe things won't go too bad...

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