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Luke POV

A practice lockdown drill had been called two days later. Every one was in the corner of the room in complete silence. I never liked lockdown drills...but then again, who did like em? It felt like someone was actually in the school...the teacher had to keep shushing a few other kids who were talking like this was a normal thing. I really don't understand kids who fool around and talk and such during serious drills like this

I lifted my head slightly as I heard fast breathing. I looked over a bit at Zander. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped tight around himself. There were two people between me and him, but I had to get to him. After a bit of hand motions, I switched spots with the two kids silently when the teacher wasn't looking so I was next to Zander

"Are you okay....?" I whispered softly to him. He shook his head no while shaking. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him and patted his head lightly. "It's okay...it'll be alright..."

We all heard the doorknob jiggle and Zander tightened himself up. As we heard the footsteps drift away, he began to shake more. I don't see this side of him much....no one really does....the only time I had was that time he slept over and then woke up scared...

"Zander, it's just a practice..." I whispered quietly after hearing him whimper. He nodded in response, still keeping his grip on me. No one else seemed to notice us. I kept a tight hold on him, as I knew how scared he was by this...thankfully this is just a practice....I can't imagine how scared he'd be if this was a real drill...


Once the drill was done, everyone got back to their seats. I stood and then helped Zander up. His eyes looked a bit watery...I had to help him get out of this fix he was in...

"Miss Jones, may Zander and I be excused?" I asked. Our teacher nodded and I pulled Zander out of the room. I stood against the lockers with him and held his hand. "It's okay now, Zander..." I said calmly. He nodded as a few years pricked his eyes. We heard a door close a bit down the hallway. I looked over as Zander grabbed me. Hailey walked out of a classroom, and he eyed instantly met with mine. She ran over and put a hand on Zander's shoulder. "Are you okay...?" she asked him. He nodded slightly. "I wanted to make sure you two were okay...." she said. I put my hand on Zander's cheek and looked at him in the eyes. When he looked up, I kissed him before looking back at Hailey. She nodded as if to say "he'll be alright" then left to the bathroom.

"I-I'm glad that was j-just a practice." Zander said trying to seem like he was calm. I nodded. "You wanna go to class now or walk around for a bit...?" He held my hand tight and said "can we walk for a bit...? I don't want anyone to see me crying..." I nodded and smiled a bit, and so the two of us walked around talking for a bit until Zander was calm again

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