🔥Bubbling anger🔥

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Luke POV

Ohhh boy, today is going to be. a. day.

Hailey messaged me while I was getting ready for school this morning, and she said that Zander was in a pretty bad mood today. Hopefully it's nothing and whatever's on his mind will blow off...

I entered the music room and everyone was just....very quiet. There was no music, no talking, no nothing. "Something going on?" I asked. They all kinda stared either at me or off to the side. I noticed Zander was in the corner of the room, his face stuck in a book again. He didn't respond when I walked in or spoke, so that's an indicator that something is off. I put my bag by the door and walked over to Sean. "Did Hailey tell you anything about what happened?" I whispered, and he shrugged. "Not sure..." he said "but he's been getting mad at any sudden noise"

I looked up at Zander. He certainly did look mad. Maybe he'd let up when I talked to him. I walked over and stood at my drum set, looking at Zander. "Dude, be cautious..." I heard Milly whisper. I nodded while glancing over at her, then looked back at Zander. "You doing alright?" I asked. He grumbled in response and kept his head down. "If you don't stop pouting, I'll kiss ya" I said jokingly. His face turned a light shade of pink and he covered his blushing with his book. Everyone else started to talk amongst themselves. I noticed the book Zander was reading was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

"Didn't know you were into Harry Potter" I said. "Well, there's a lot you don't know about me." he snarled. There was silence between us...I thought I could get him out of this mood fast but this wasn't going as smoothly as I thought it would....

"Honey?" I said trying to get his attention. The nickname made him freeze up and avert his eyes fast. He looked like he wanted to respond but didn't. Milly also looked like she was gonna say something, but bit her tongue to not do so

"Okay, this is boring." Jake said rubbing his head. "I wanna do music stuff. Isn't that what we do here? Don't get me wrong, I like hanging out but I also like playin'..."

"Yeah, I agree with Jake" Hailey said. "Maybe we could-"


We all looked over at Zander who had just had a really sudden outburst. He doesn't get mad often, but when he does...

....let's just say it's bad

"Zander, what's going on-" Hailey started to say, but Zander cut her off by yelling "YOU GUYS ARE DRIVING ME UP THE WALL."

We all stayed silent and he looked back at his book. "Jeez....some people are so touchy...." Jake sighed. Zander threw his book on the ground and then began to walk over to Jake. Quickly I ran over and grabbed Zander under his arms, pulling him back. He began kicking his legs, trying to get at Jake.

"Calm down, Zander...!" Hailey yelled while getting in front of Jake. "WHY DON'T YOU CALM DOWN?!" Zander yelled back. Jake looked very shocked, and who can blame him. Despite his constant kicks and yelling, I managed to get Zander pulled out of the room. "HEY!!" He shouted as I shut the door.

"Zander, what is going on with you..." I said putting my hands on his shoulders. He flinched slightly and tried to back up. "Nothing..!" he shouted, lowering his voice slightly but not by much. He kept trying to pull himself away but I kept a firm grip on his shoulders. After about ten minutes, he stopped and just stood there without looking at me

"Are you mad at me...? Was it something I did wrong...?" I asked, and his eyes filled with worry instantly. "N....No...." he said, no longer yelling. "I'm sorry, I just.....I didn't sleep too good...it's nothing to do with you..."

I looked at him and sighed, then hugged him. "Anything I can do...?" I asked, and he shook his head. "I've just been waking up a lot...." he said. I nodded then looked at him. "Try to not take out your anger on others...okay...?" I said. "Yeah..." he sighed. Before we went back in, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek which made him flustered. Then I took his hand and went back inside with him

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