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Authors Note: Mentions of Henriam (Henry X Liam) because I love that ship, is amazing UwU 😌

Jake POV

Crap crap crap! I'm late I'm late I'm late! God, if I'm late to the music club today Hailey's gonna be so pissed. She's already super pissed about the winter dance and me telling her I might still like Zander. It's not the fact that I have an interest in both girls and boys that she's mad, it's the fact that...well I think she kinda wants me all to herself....

I slid to a stop in the hall as I saw my old friend group standing by the water fountain that was outside the club room. Drew was filling up his water bottle whilst Liam and Henry were talking. Great. Looks like I'm not gonna get into the club room without running into a conversation with them

"Yo, it's Jake!" Liam said as I walked over slowly. "Where ya been man?" he said "We thought you were avoiding us"

I shrugged. "Just stuff with the music club." Drew screwed the lid onto his water bottle and said "We should hang out again sometime. When was the last time we did that?" I just shrugged again and said "not sure, but I should get to the club." I quickly walked in but as I left, I noticed Liam continuasly attempting to grab Henry's hand


"Alright guys, great practice today!" Hailey smiled as everyone started to pack up. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out, only to see a text from Drew that caught me...VERY off guard

Drew🙄: Hey Jake. So uh Liam needs our help with something. He wants to ask Henry out or tell him he likes him or something. But ain't got the guts to do it. He wants one of us to be his wingman and you probably would know romance better considering you've been with both Zander AND Hailey.

"Whaddya doin?"


I almost dropped my phone from shock after Milly suddenly snuck up behind me in an attempt to scare me. "Milly!!" I exclaimed as she began laughing. "Who're you texting?" she asked poking her head over my shoulder. "No one.." I sighed. "Just Drew.."

"That ass?" Zander said. Luke poked his cheek lightly then kissed him to try and lower his rage meter. I nodded. "He said Liam needs like a wingman or somethin. Says I could be a better wingman"

Everyone looked over confused. "What, is he asking out Lia or some shit?" Zander said. "That wouldn't make for a very good couple name" Milly said with a slight head shake. "Try Henry" I said, to which Milly said "OH, WHAT?!"

"Huh. Never thought Liam would be interested in Henry..." Hailey said. "Yeah, I mean...Henry's been super flirty with Lia for god knows how long" I added. "Well guys..." Luke said "maybe we should help them...? I mean, I know they're often uh...butts, as Zander put it-"

"My exact words were "ass" " Zander interrupted

Luke pulled Zander close by his waste, making Zander blush deep red and go quiet. "The least we could do is give Jake some advice on being a wingman" Luke continued. "I could use that.." I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "I've never exactly been a wingman before..." I looked at my phone and responded to Drew's text

Jake🎮🎤: Alright dude, tell him I'll help 😝

Drew🙄: Kay, will do


"Dude, what the hell'd ya bring them for?!"

"Come on, Drew" I sighed "they're my friends...and they wanted to help..." Drew had thrown a small fit of attitude at me when he saw I brought the rest of the club. "They're NERDS" Drew yelled, to which Milly replied "Shut it you half brain nitwit!"

"Drew, it's fine..." I said. He stood there, hand on his hip as he stared at me with a raised eyebrow. Clearly he was glaring at the others for something.

I turned around to face the rest of the group. Zander and Luke looked like they were in the middle of a makeout session, Milly was repeatedly poking Sean who looked very ticked off, and Hailey was taking pictures of the scenery.

Classy guys. Real. classy.

"They gonna be that way the whole time?" Liam sighed, to which I shook my head nervously. "I don't understand why we're meeting here in the mall." Drew said. "And outside the pizza place of ALL the places to hangout with someone!"

"I thought you said Liam didn't have the guts to ask Henry on a date" Zander said, pulling away from Luke's face but still keeping a hold on him. Liam glared at Drew, then looked back at us. "I just asked if he wanted to hang out today, just the two of us." Milly nodded "Classaaaaay"

Liam looked behind himself and saw Henry head into the pizza place, listening to his headphones and seeming like he was dancing with every step he took. "Alright, advice. Now." Liam said sternly as he pointed to Luke and Zander. "Compliment him" Luke said "not just on his looks though, his personality too." He looked at Zander who was lovingly gazing at him. "Tell him how charming he is, and considerate and loyal and funny and smart and-"

"Luke." Hailey said "you're spacing out into Zander's eyes." Luke smiled nervously and said "sorry, heh...but don't worry Liam, you'll do great..."

"Make some cool references!" Milly smirked "Henry'll really dig that!" She had a point there. One time Henry bursted into class and yelled "It is Wednesday, my dudes!!"

"Just speak from your heart.." Hailey said with a hand over her heart. "I'm sure he'll appreciate it..."

"You people are no help." Drew said, and Liam nodded in agreement. "What if he laughs..." Liam sighs

"Look dude," Zander starts to say making Liam look up. "Me and Luke were both hella nervous before we became a thing. But turns out there wasn't anything to worry about. So whether he does like you or not, it's best to just get it out there."

Liam nodded then headed off into the pizza restaurant. "Woah Zander..." Hailey said smiling. "That was pretty sweet..."

"Believe you me." Zander said "it was taking all my energy to resist the urge to give a sarcastic remark." Luke just smirked and hugged Zander. I couldn't stop thinking about what Zander just said though...about getting your feelings out there in the open whether the person you like likes you back or not....it kinda reminded me of when I tried that with him....and he said he still wanted to be with Luke...

I can't be thinking about that now though. It's all blown over, and everything's fine. For today, we're focusing on trying to Liam with his man


Many minutes passed but they felt like hours. Zander kept trying to pull Luke away to go on a mini shopping spree, but Luke and all of us insisted on staying until we knew at least how things went

45 minutes after Liam went into the food place, he walked out. Henry was with him and the two of them were looking at each other. Suddenly, the two stopped in front of the restaurant window. Henry leaned up and kissed Liam, who looked as if he were on cloud nine. The two of them smiled at each other then headed off. Me and Drew looked at our phones and saw Liam had sent us a both a text that was the same words

Liam🥩🍅: Hey, thanks for the advice. Tell the other music geeks thanks too. But also tell them this doesn't make us friends, cause god no. But yeah, that is for the advice 😝

Drew smirked before pocketing his phone. "Peace, Jake" he said to me before leaving. I sighed and put my phone in my pants pocket. "Who's up for a pizza?" I smiled. "Aw yeah!" Milly cheered as she headed towards the restaurant with Sean close behind. "Hey Milly! Maybe we can get you to confess next!" Zander called as he followed them with look, his arm around Luke's waste and Luke's around Zander's shoulders. "SHUTTUP, GRAPE BOY!!!" Milly shouted. Me and Hailey bother laughed before looking at each other. "You coming wi-" we both started to as at the same time. This made us laugh again and nod together, then head to the food place

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now