🌼Give me your answer, do🌼

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Zander POV

"Is anyone in there..?"

"No, we're okay..."

Luke pushed open the door to the music room and gently pulled me in. No one was inside, we didn't expect anyone to be after the fight. He insisted on trying playing the drums during lunch, and I really wanted to listen...

He ran over to the drums and I stood against the wall off to the side. "Watch this, hun" he smiled as he picked up his drum stick. He attempted to spin it but it flew off and hit the floor near my foot. "Sorry...!" he said. I just shrugged it off. Suddenly we heard a click from the door and looked over. Please don't let that be Jake or Hailey...

Thankfully, it wasn't either of them. It was Daisy. "Oh! Hello guys!" she smiled. "Hey Daisy" Luke smiled as I waved. "If you're looking for Sean, we....aren't too sure where he is..."

"Oh, well that's okay!" she smiled. "How come you guys are the only ones here...?" Me and Luke looked at each other, neither of us wanting to explain it. "It's...complicated..." Luke said. Daisy nodded. "I understand...I was talking with Sean last night a bit, and he said something big went down between you all...I hope things get better. You're all such a great band!"

"Thanks Daisy.." Luke smiled. Daisy smiled back, then said "I'm gonna go find Sean...good luck to you all!" then left. Once she left, I sighed and looked down. "You okay...?" Luke asked. "I just wish things could be normal again..." I said quietly. Luke put his drumsticks down and walked over, putting his arms around my waste and pulling me to his side. "It'll all be okay..." he said. I smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder


The next day, everyone ended up being in the band room. Of course, Jake was late again. When is he not late...

Everyone was pretty quiet....normally by now, Hailey would've said something to start the meeting. But she hadn't said anything...I didn't mind the silence, but it was also torture....if we weren't playing, we were talking...and we weren't doing either right now...

"So, Luke." Jake said looking at me and Luke, who was really annoyed. "What.." he sighed. Jake took a few steps toward us. "Do you really think I'm a thick skulled pea brain?"

My eyes widened a bit. He actually said that to Jake?

"Yeah, I do Jake.." Luke sighed. Although it seemed like he felt really bad for it..."well." Hailey sighed with a slight hint of anger in her voice. "It's better than what Milly said to me..." All of us looked at Milly who just shrugged. "I meant what I said. Ya know, maybe you guys owe Zander an apology."

"Why should I apologize him?!" Jake yelled. I sighed and looked down at the book I was reading, attempting to drown out the noise. Milly and Jake began arguing, then Luke barged into the fight and started yelling too. Sean just kind of...sat there awkwardly, and Hailey stayed silent while looking through her sheet music

"What's going on in here...?"

We all looked at the door and saw Daisy standing there, looking worried. "You guys aren't fighting, right..?" Sean sighed and walked over to Daisy. "Don't worry Daisy...." he said, holding her hand..."We'll handle it..." Daisy looked down. "Okay..." she said. "Anything I can do?" Sean shook his head. "It'll be fine.." he said. Daisy nodded. "I hope you guys aren't fighting...you're all such great and talented people...you sound amazing seperatley, but together you're all great!" She smiled then left, and all of us looked down in silence. It was agreed between us all...we did do great when we did stuff together. Was a fight really gonna make us all split up....

Almost like she could read my mind, Hailey said "I don't want a silly fight to break up our band and friend group, guys..." Sean nodded in agreement. We all did. "Maybe I....did over react a bit the other day....when I blamed Zander..." Jake sighed. I looked at him confused. "I....I'm sorry..." he said. I looked down...no way was he sorry...

"I know that's gonna take away the pain I put you through..." he continued. "But....blaming you wasn't my best choice in this whole thing..." I looked over at Luke, unsure of how to respond to this. Jake seems like he's genuinely sorry but....I can't go back to him...not after what he did to me....and ESPECIALLY not after the other night at Luke's house

I sighed. "Jake, I.....I dunno how to feel..." He nodded in understanding. "It may....take some time for me to forgive you.....you can't win back my trust that easily....or my heart..."

He nodded again then looked at Hailey, as did I. Hailey stood in front of me and looked at the floor. "Zander...I'm.....I'm also sorry....." she said. "I wasn't exactly honest with you....when Jake kissed me, I asked him to....I really liked him, and I still do.....I just wanted to see if he felt the same.....I didn't mean to hurt you this much...." I didn't say anything for a minute. Neither of us did, then I said "it's the same thing I told Jake, Hailey.... it's probably gonna take some time for me to forgive you..." "O-Of course, I-I understand...." she said. "Again, I'm really sorry..." Both our gazes turned to Sean and Milly. "Fiiine, I'm sorry..." Milly sighed. "Just....was mad....shouldn't have said what I said..." Hailey nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry too guys..." Sean said. We all looked at Luke....he looked kind of mad....he's not one to get mad at people...none of us know what went down the other day in the hallway with him, Jake, and Hailey.

"Look, guys..." Luke said looking at specifically Hailey and Jake. "What you two did really sucked. But....I shouldn't have confronted you two the way I did...and...." he hesitated before continuing, then sighed. "I'm sorry..." Hailey and Jake looked at each other, then back at Luke. "But I'm not kidding around." Luke continued. "Do not. pull a stunt like that on Zander again....I know you're his stepsister Hailey, but I'll make no. exceptions. Got that?" Hailey and Jake nodded. Then they noticed how the whole time we were talking, Luke was holding my hand. "Is something going on between you two?" Hailey asked. Milly smirked. "I know what it is" she said. Suddenly, Hailey's eyes widened. "Oh my god, are you two....?" I nodded. "Cool" Jake said smiling. "Aww, I'm so happy for you two..!" Hailey said also grinning. Me and Luke looked at each other and smiled. "Nope." Milly said. "No PDA. Not today. I need guitar playing, cause I haven't done it in forever!" We all just laughed at Milly then smiled at each other, happy this silly fight was over....

at least for now it was.....

Authors Note: Ohoho, another cliffhanger >:3. I ain't sorry. This cliffhanger will be answered in a other chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed this one! I actually just finished the last episode (for now) of The Music Freaks last night! Super good ☺️! See you guys soon! :)

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