👗Party Preparations👗

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No one's POV

It seemed like the Halloween costume dance was just a few days ago. Now the group was out shopping for outfits for the winter Christmas. Everyone wanted something different and they were originally gonna split up, but they decided going together would be fun instead

"Okay, I need to know," Hailey said as she stepped out of a change room. "How does THIS look?"

She stepped out wearing a long bright red and white striped dress with sparkling green trim. "I'll put it simply. You look like a candy cane" Milly said. Hailey rolled her eyes. "That's the point. Doesn't it look cute?" "It's certainly bright" Zander said. "Whatever! I still wanna wear something nice" Hailey said. "Hey Milly, you should-"

"No. way. in hell. am I wearing that"

Luke POV

Hailey and Milly continued to bicker over if the dress was being bought and if so, who was wearing it. I looked over at Zander who was looking at the website for the store he always like shopping in. "Ya think they have ties in Heathers Sweaters?" he asked me. I shrugged. "Doesn't hurt to look"

"Hey Hailey, how bout you wear this?" we heard Jake say. Hailey looked over and saw Jake holding up a turquoise dress with red and white snowflakes on it. "That looks nice!" Hailey said before taking the dress and running in to try it on. "Man. Never thought you'd be so excited about dresses Hailey" Sean chuckled

"You got an idea of a dress you want?" I asked Milly. "I ain't wearing a dress" she responded. "I don't wear girly girl dresses"

Hailey pulled back the curtain from the changing room and stepped out. "That looks cute" Milly said. Hailey looked at Jake and twirled around. His eyes widened and his face turned light pink. "I think I'll take it!" Hailey smiled. She then proceeded to grab Milly and try to pull her over to the dresses to look herself, despite Milly trying to get away. "Hailey Austin, I am NOT getting a dress!" she yelled.


Milly ended up getting out of buying a dress. None of us know what she's gonna wear, but hey. Maybe she'll surprise us. She always does

We got to Heathers Sweaters and Zander pulled me into the back where they had ties. "You wanna try one?" he said, looking at me. I shrugged. He kept looking until he got a darkish red one and handed it to me. "Kinda like your scarf!" he said. I smiled at him then attempted to put it on. After several tries, I got it. "You have to wear that!" Zander said. "Uh....I-I'm not sure..." I said looking down. I wasn't used to wearing ties, mostly my scarf

Zander looked at me with puppy eyes, trying to get me to say yes. "Zander, that's not gonna work" I said. "I'm just not used to it I guess..."

He huffed a bit while crossing his arms. "Don't give me that" I said while patting his shoulder. He turned back to the ties and grabbed a lavender coloured one. "Well, I'm getting this one" he said. I nodded and hugged him around his side, making him blush


"Who's up for some pizza?" Milly asked after a bit of shopping. "You always want pizza..." Zander sighed, and Milly nodded. "It's good stuff! Sean knows what I'm takin about, right Sean?"

Sean smiled a bit and we made our way down to the pizza place. "So I found out Drew broke up with Zoey" Jake said as we sat down. "Probably cause he found out how she only wants him for his money."

"Gold digger" Hailey sighed. And I nodded in agreement before putting my arm around Zander and pulling him closer. His face flushed red and I just smiled at him. Jake and Hailey seemed a bit happier and more relieved that Zander was happy again. I think we all were. Zander layed his head on my shoulder and looked up at me. The redness in his face had died down to a light shade of pink, and he smiled at me. I smiled back then kissed his head. We both knew nothing could split us apart

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