🍎Picnic in a park🍎

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No ones POV

It's the first day of March break, and Luke surprised Zander by taking him on a picnic. "The weather's really nice today!" Luke said smiling, and Zander nodded in agreement as we both looked around at the scenery. Luke began to empty the contents of the basket onto the blanket. "You okay, Zan?" Luke asked. Zander looked at him. "yeah, why?"

"You're just a little quiet..."

Zander shrugged, looking off to the side. Luke thought for a few moments, trying to think of a conversation starter. However, Zander ended up beating him to it

"My parents are thinking of putting up a tire swing in our backyard" he said. "Really?" Luke responded, and Zander nodded

The two of them talked and ate for a while. Everything seemed completely fine until Zander looked down and saw a spider crawling up his leg

Zander jumped up with a scream, startling Luke. "What is it..?! What's wrong...?!" Luke said. Zander started smacking his legs while continuing to yell


Luke stood up fast, looking around the blanket to see if he could spot something that could've caused Zander's freakout

He noticed a spider fall off of Zander's leg and land between the two of them. Zander backed up a bit off the blanket

Luke grabbed a stick from the ground next to the blanket, and placed it near the spider. After a few minutes, the spider was on the branch. Luke picked up the stick and moved it away from the picnic spot. He left the branch on the ground near a tree, a good distance away from the blanket. Zander watched as Luke placed the branch down, then walked back

"Is it dead?" Zander asked, to which Luke shook his head no. "I'm not gonna kill it" Luke said. "Yes, spiders are gross but that thing was probably more scared of you than you were of it"

"Oh, I highly doubt that." Zander said crossing his arms. "You know I have arachnophobia. And that I hate having it.."

Luke put his arm around Zander. "You can't help it.." he said, and Zander just nodded while leaning his head on Luke's shoulder

"I love you, Lukey" Zander said, making Luke smile and blush. "I love you too, Zandy"

Authors Note: Sorry this chapter's a bit short 😭😢😥 I got a bit lost in what to add to it/do for it

Unfortunately we're getting close to the end of this book😭😔💔...

I know, is sad...But hey, it's going great! And don't worry! I'm working on other TMF books! I'll see you guys in the next chapter! ☺️✨❤️💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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