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Luke POV

The fact that Jake had the audacity to hurt Zander the way he did just makes me sick. I've known Zander for as long as I can remember and he doesn't deserve to go through that. I had to make Jake aware that when someone hurts Zander, they deal with me after...he should know this by now...

I was so distracted I couldn't even focus on the music and kept fumbling up. We were playing just fine, then my drum stick flew out of my hand and wacked against the window. "Luke, that's the fifth time that's happened..." Hailey said as I picked up the drumstick. "Is something going on..? You can talk to us..."

"Actually." I said as I placed my drumsticks on my seat. "Hailey, Jake. Could I speak to you two. In private?"

Jake sighed and nodded like he knew what was about to happen. Before Hailey could respond though, I grabbed her and Jake by their arms and pulled them out into the hall. "Okay, weird..." I heard Milly whisper. "Wonder what's going on..."


"Sooooo...what's up....?" Jake asked as soon as we got into the hall and closed the music room door. I looked at both of them angrily and I get the feeling Hailey started to understand what I was going to bring up. "I know what you two did." I said sounding cold. Jake looked off to the side while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah....we figured you would..."

"Of course he knows, Jake..." Hailey sighs. "Zander tells Luke everything..." I took a step closer to them as Hailey reached over to hold Jake's hand. "You two. messed. up." I said. Hailey moved her hand quickly away from Jake's and said "Luke, I already tried talking to Zander and I told him-"

"Yeah, I know what he said to you" I interrupted her. "He told me." Hailey looked down...I knew she felt bad about this...but I wasn't sure if Jake felt all that bad. It seemed like he did, but he could be lying. "You guys better keep watch, cause I'm not happy with either of you" I said. Suddenly, Jake looked me dead in the eyes and said "Why is this such a big deal?! It's my choice to like someone else!" I felt like I was gonna punch him. I'm not usually one to get violent with people, but he's really pushing it right now. They both are. "The big deal," I said "is that you didn't even break things off with Zander properly! You just left him all of a sudden!" I saw Jake ball his fist and I knew he was feeling the same heat I was. "Guys, let's just calm down and have a civil conversation about this..." Hailey sighed

Zander POV

I was still in the music room with Milly, who was trying to listen through the door, and Sean, who was looking at stuff on his laptop. "Whaddya thinks happening out there?" Milly asked. I just stayed quiet and kept my head down. Sean shrugged, then looked at me. "You alright, dude?" he asked. "What. do you think." I snarled back. Milly looked at me. "Hey, is something going on?" she asked. "I mean like, we've all know you and Jake aren't together anymore, but it's starting to seem like there's more to this story..."

I stomped my foot onto the ground and looked at them as they both had expressions of mixed confused and shock. "You don't get it, do you..." I sighed. "Yes. Me and Jake broke up. But have you not noticed how touchy him and Hailey have been? And how they're always blushing around each other?"

Milly thought for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Yo, I have noticed!" "I have too" Sean added onto that. "Are they a thing now?" I looked off to the side. "Of course they are..." I sighed while my voice started to break slightly. "Woah...Jake and...and your stepsister?" Sean asked. "That's cold man..."

Before I said the next thing about to leave my mouth, I thought back to when I almost said it the other day....Luke gave me that look like he didn't want me to tell everyone...I didn't at the time cause I knew it'd be wrong, and I still know it's slightly wrong to tell them. But the way Luke left the room with Hailey and Jake, I have a feeling he's confronting them. So this shouldn't be any different...

"Yeah, and get this. I never. knew."

Sean and Milly both looked at each other shocked, then looked at back at me. "Wait, he was seeing Hailey and you never knew?!" Milly gasped. I nodded as I blinked back tears. "That can't be true..." she said. "Jake used to be rude, but he's changed...he's a good person..."

Suddenly, Luke walked back in looking ticked off majorly. Jake and Hailey entered soon after, both seeming quite nervous. We couldn't hear anything of what they were talking about...but I'm glad Milly and Sean now know....

Judging by how Luke left the room seeming on edge in an angry way, and is now back looking angry...that plus how Hailey and Jake seem on edge in a nervous way, it's easy to tell what happened...then I realized...

What if Sean or Milly call them out?

Puppy Love (Luke X Zander story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now