l e t t e r .

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This was written for Tadi.  All the love dear. xx.



It is currently 6:30 am and I'm so glad you're finally sleeping, love. I know you've been up all night again because I felt you tossing and turning in my arms before you finally got up and started pacing up and down the living room, like you always do.

 I could trace the steps you take each night in my sleep, because I often count them as I drift back to my lonesome dreams; I am weak, you see, I fall back into my slumber while your awful illness clouds up those beautiful clear eyes. If I could, I would never close my eyes again for you to get a good night's sleep – sometimes, I stay awake purposely to listen to the rhythm of your heavy breathing.

 I buried my ears into the calm of your heartbeat, and let myself fall deeper in love and guiltily asleep, knowing too well that the calm that washes over me is just the simple knowledge that you are lying awake; close enough to feel your arms anchor me into reality every time I whimper from my nightmares and you simply hold me tighter. 

I wish you could always sleep like this, no one deserves peace and quiet like your kindred spirit does. I'm not like you, I don't look at someone and instantly find poetry and music in them, I am harsh and my edges are anything but rounded; despite that, I've always thought your words are a thing of beauty, so I humbly tried writing some for you, too. I am darker and more bitter than you, yet I'm not the one carrying dark circles under my eyes like battle scars (how unfair is life!). So dear, don't worry about kindness, understanding and love. I just wanted you to know you deserve all the sleep in the world . ( everything else, I can give you)

Sweet dreams.


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