Chapter 14 - Night of truth Part I /5:30 am

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Ahh,it's all coming together.Should I continue,should I end it?

You guys curious for the next part?Let me know what you thiiink.Idk when I will update.

Love <3 Read,rate,comment and enjoy.Thank you so much.

3 667 and counting <3


It's 5:30 am.You have been a sad story to my ears for quite some time now because I could only find poetry in the warmth of your lips on my skin.I used to be able to write about the sky,about empty streets or about the thin,cold air of the night.But now it's all youyouyou

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

Scott could bare anything.He got treated like shit before and he could handle being the shoulder to cry on,the doormat - but he admitted Mitch being ashamed of him was one of the biggest pains he had ever experienced.

He had stuck in his mind the image of Mitch looking down,biting his lips when confronted.Not a single word.No apologies,no try of denying it.It left him breathless,it left him questioning everything they had.Why did he always love people like that?Why did he love the older guys,the drug dealers,the people who wouldn't even show in public with him?

He wished he knew how to love without destroying himself in the process.He wished he could give his heart out without being left with a bloody,empty chest.It all teared him painfully apart-slowly but surely.

He was fed up with it.He wanted to see if Mitch would even miss him.He wanted to make him at least a little bit angry as him -it wouldn't compare to the shredding feeling inside of him.But it would do.

So,he made a plan.

Mitch's POV

Last night had been horrible.After he eventually stopped crying he waited hours for Scott to come back to bed with him.He never did -he just stood there smoking and humming softly to himself.Mitch fell asleep to the lullaby of Scott's voice lingering in his ear.The last thing he remembered was an awful sinking feeling-Scott would rather be alone outside,probably freezing,than in there with him.And he had every right to.Without even being here,Aaron was hovering over his relationship -if he could call it that- and he was letting him have full control.

He hoped the gig him and Kirstie had that night would take his mind off.It was at the Hard Rock cafe and he was pretty excited about it -they even invited their little group of musician friends to come around and watch.There was Avi,Kevin and Lindsey - all that was missing was Scott being there.Mitch would've given anything to invite Scott.But he didn't want to risk it.They ended up avoiding each other all day and Mitch leaving a note for him-he had no idea how he was going to fix it this time.


The show had been amazing.All the lights,the applause,the crowd -it all gave Mitch a thrilling feeling and pumped him full of energy.It was one of their best gigs ever.He was excited to get to his table and find out what everyone else was thinking.He's not here.A voice was nagging at him.The only person you really wanted to be here -he's not here.And it's your fault.

The place was bustling with people - the music was loud,the lights were colorful,every table had candle light and the bands playing were good,too.Not as good as them,but still.This could end up being a pretty decent night,Mitch though.

"Hi Mitch." Wrong,he was wrong.From across the table he saw Scott sitting next to Lindsey,looking like he was carved out of marble.His eyes were twinkling in the candle light  and he was drinking what looked like his second martini.He was so hot Mitch wanted to jump on him.He could tell he took the extra time to get ready that night and Mitch's heart beat faster at the idea that it was for him."Wha-what are you doing here?"

Mitch watched Scott throw his head back in a laugh  and wink at him.He ran his fingers through his hair to fix it up and then put an arm around Lindsey's shoulders."I know this cutie from work.I saw her here and what do you know,she was invited to see your show."It was driving Mitch insane.He knew was Scott was doing,but he decided not to give in.After all,it was for his own good.

"So,how do you know Scott?" Lindsey asked,seemingly innocent.Mitch stuttered "He's my friend,I mean,uhm..we share a flat." Scott raised an eyebrow at the word friend and threw him a glare over his Martini glass.Without breaking contact,he also replied to Lindsey in a raspy voice "Oh we share a lot of things alright,don't we,Mitchie?"

The brunette wanted to kill him.Thinking again about that deep,dark voice,he also wanted to make out with him.He wanted both,actually.So he looked down and noticed Kirstie being extremely amused at the whole situation,giggling and smelling like a Pina Colada.He shot a glare at her but it didn't help.

"Yeah,like fluids." she muttered under her breath and started laughing loudly,ignoring the looks she was getting from Mitch.It took him several pokes to get her to stop."Oh,I mean a cat.They share a cat."

Mitch had a tingling sensation on the pit of his stomach.Scott was on to something.He ordered himself a martini too and tried to ignore the glances the blonde kept throwing at him.He knew that if he stared for too long he would lose his control.After all it was a pretty big place and Aaron could have friends working there.

"So,how come you're not here with your boyfriend Mitch?" Lindsey asked casually.The blood drained from the brunette's face as he started to play nervously with a lock of Kirstie's hair."He didn't want to join you?"Scott took a sip of his drink and smirked at Mitch,causing his blood to rush.The things that boy could do to him.

"Uhm,it's not like that.Well,my love life is not that interesting,we should"

"Oh,no.Tell us more" Scott replied in the iciest,most sarcastic tone."Well,I can't really talk about him."Everyone's eyes were on Mitch.Kirstie started giggling again -she was drunk,so to no use for Mitch."Is he too hideous to go out in public with?" joked Avi.

"No,he's incredibly hot,but I.."Mitch's hands were now trembling and he was clawing his nail in the seat,sweating nervously."Well then,he must be an idiot or something,but I don't see you dating a moron" added Kevin."N-no." Mitch couldn't break eye contact with Scott."He just..I couldn't bring him."Like a cloud before rain,Scott's look was dark,and filled with anger and disappointment.

"Or maybe he left him at home,locked behind doors.Maybe he was too afraid his perfect image would be ruined by taking 'his boyfriend' out.Maybe he was ashamed."

That was it.Mitch had enough."Fuck it."

He got up from behind his table and walked to Scott.He grabbed him and kissed him with a burning passion,his hands on the back of Scott's neck,bringing them closer.Scott grinned in their kiss and snaked his arms around Mitch's tiny waist,lifting him up slowly.He grazed his tongue on Mitch's lips and bit them slightly,gaining entrance.Mitch let out a little moan in Scott's mouth and the blonde giggled-they only stopped when they both needed air."There.You happy now." Mitch muttered against his lips,bringing their foreheads together.

When it happened Kirstie was drinking her pina colada and out of surprise she almost choked.Avi whistled in appreciation and Kevin and Lindsey had their mouths open in shock,letting out little Wow's."Didn't expect that." Lindsey spoke -Kirstie clapped,excited ,and fist bumped Mitch.They were now all laughing.Mitch ran his fingers over his lips-they were still burning-and whispered in Scott's ear "Wait untill tonight so I can repay you for all those snarky comments,mister" The blonde licked his lips playfully and whispered "Can't wait." making Mitch turn a deep red.

Just as he was laughing it off Kirstie nudged him and he turned his head around.She looked like she just saw a ghost.And so she did.Aaron was staring at them from across the bar ,looking extremely pissed off.Mitch knew he had no time to get away or to at least pull Scott out.He had to face him.

Because he was coming to their table.

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