Chapter 19 - Left/5:47 am

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Ok so this is the pre-epilogue.I will post a separate chapter right after this and call it The stack of "From when I couldn't sleep so instead I wrote for him." letters ;;)

So,the next chapter after the little bonus will be the last.I saw someone mentioning a sequel,that could be a possibility,idk,I'll see how the last chapter turns out,if people like it and think this story is worth it.

Sorry about the lack of fluff,I wanted to explain a bit the consequences of what Mitch did.Thanks so much for the support and thank you for the idea from my last chapter,you know who you are <3

Please comment and let me know what you think.Enjoyy

p.s playlisttttt :D


It is 5:47 am and last night I added new definition to my idea of pain -  the night I saw you saying sorry for all the pills you took and all the damage was also the night I watched you drown yourself in sorrows you couldn’t live with anymore.I'm sorry for screaming swim! at you along with the others for so long,I promise to never leave you drifting away in the ocean again.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Mitch's POV

Mitch was woken up by the morning rays of sun shining in his eyes -it only took them a second,because Scott came in and carefully pulled the curtains.Before he walked out he  checked up on Mitch,who pretended to be asleep and tried not to notice how caring Scott was even when the brunette was sleeping.

Mitch stretched and frowned when he felt the coldness of his bed,letting out a little disappointed wimper.He could hear Scott in the kitchen and his heart sunk,because he knew in the light of the day things weren't going to be so easy,he would have to confront the facts -he was so tired,even after sleeping for 10 hours,and he wondered if Scott even got any sleep at all.He dragged himself to the kitchen,wearing one of Scott's tshirt's that was huge on him,barefoot and with his hair all messed up.

It was killing him.Yes,he called Scott back,and yes,the blonde accepted to fall sleep with him again,but that didn't make things alright.He apologized only once,and Scott insisted on the idea that they would 'talk tomorrow' and that is was 'fine'.So he cautiously entered the kitchen and sat down at the counter,watching Scott make coffee-he didn't even notice Mitch coming in and he just sang to himself,a scowl on his face.

"Well,I see you standing there like a rabid dog,And you got those crying eyes .."

"Makes me want to surrender,and wrap you in my arms" Mitch finishes the lyric and Scott turns around,looking him in the eye.His feet are cold against the tile and the atmosphere shifts under the weigh of their gaze.Mitch never failed to compare the blonde's eyes to an ocean,or to the sky - and right now there was so much damage done,there were sinking ships and crashing tides,there were black thunderstorm clouds and heavy rain.

"You're up." Scott finally breaks the silence and pours Mitch a cup of coffee,trying to keep himself busy."Does your..medication always knock you out like that?"

"Well..I,yes.Kind of." Mitch's hand tremble as he holds his cup and looks down,trying to compose himself."Scott,listen.."

"Why?" Mitch can feel Scott's frustration and confusion in his words as the blonde snaps.He expected something like this,it can't always be calm waters."Why wouldn't you tell me something like this,you didn't think between all those times we got drunk and you kissed me to get over Josh and those when you were going out in New York you should mention it to me?"

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