Chapter 11 - Numb it out/4:16 am

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for Banner_Led_Temp :D

Heii.I wrote this when I should've studied for a final,so comments would make my failing the exam much sweeter.Please please please let me know what you think.

I was thinking of starting to narrate from the first person for each of them,should I?Also,should I add more moments with them,like romantic ones?Idk.

As always,thanks for the reads and everything-we\re currently at 2738.Leave a comment/rate if you;re kind.Enjoy!


It's 4:16 am.I want to write a poem for you,one that actually makes sense.I want it to make you understand my heartbeat,just as I understand yours - because I hum along with it everytime I hear it.I want to be yours,and I want you to be mine,heartbeat and all.I w ant to write a poem that can tell you all of this and more ..and everything.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.'

Mitch's POV

A week had passed and now Kirstie was out of the hospital and staying in her cousin's apartment -she wasn't in town so now  her,Mitch and Scott were living there until Kirstie was well enough to travel back home.Mitch made sure she took all her medication and they even started rehearsing again.Scott started writing little bits and poems for the publishing company interested in him.He still hung out with Aaron and everyday his ex became more and more persistent,while still keeping a friend status -that didn't stop him from flirting non stop.It looked like everything went back to being somehow normal.

But for Mitch,it didn't.Things got worse.

It happened one morning when he woke up with Scott's arms wrapped around his waist,hugging him tight in his sleep.For a moment,he froze in surprise,but then he remembered this was quite an usual thing for them,one they never discussed.Scott couldn't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning,so he would lie next to Mitch and they would end up waking up ..well,cuddling.

This time it was different - usually Scott woke up before him.Now he slowly opened up his eyes,seeing the morning light filtered through the white curtains.He didn't dare to move an inch,he didn't want to wake the blonde.He was facing him and had his nose nuzzled into his chest - it looked like Scott tried to protect him from something.He could hear his steady heartbeat echo in every bone of his body,he could feel his familiar warmth traveling through every vein of his,making its way to his heart.Regardless how close they were,both physically and emotionally,he always wanted more,he wanted to be closer.

As he was watching Scott's eyelids flutter and his chest rise with his breath,Mitch was thinking about how much he loves the way he was so beautiful even in his sleep,and how much he loves him,and how his blonde eyelashes were so long ,and how ..

How much he loved..him?He held his breath and let out a little gasp,as the realization hit him like a bullet and made his stomach tie in knots.Yeah,he loved him.He grinned to himself,taking in Scott's familiar scent.

He had loved him since the first time he woke up with Scott's hand around his little waist,on the floor of their apartment.He noticed something was strange,but he didn't look too much into it.He didn't even realize it was love,he just felt drawn to him in an inexplicable way.He loved the way Scott spoke,like he was always reading from a book,he loved the way Scott looked at him,or the way he took Mitch's hands into his when it was cold outside.He adored every single word Scott wrote for him because they were all flowers Scott bloomed inside himself and ripped apart just for Mitch,and he loved the little wrinkles Scott's eyes made when he was smiling.He had always been there,despite all the horrible things Mitch did and was.

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