Chapter 18 - Rain part II/6:41 am

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I knoow this is a crappy one,and I'm terribly sorry,it's more about feelings and nothing really happens,but I had to get it out of the way and really wanted to update.This fic is coming to an end,but thank you for being wonderful.

Please leave a comment despite the lack of exciting things in this one.



It is 6:41 and I ran out of paper so I started writing on anything that I could find -napkins,old books,newspapers.I wrote on everything because I felt like if I don't spill the words I have accumulated about you I will not be able to think or sleep ever again,so I panicked.I calmed when I heard you sleeping in my bed and I was at peace when I lied next to you.I long for a forever of scribbled napkins.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams

Mitch's POV

Mitch thought about it for a second.

Head down,rain pouring over him,clothes soaking wet,tear stained cheeks and damaged heart.He thought about Scott continuing to walk to his car.He would drive off giving him one last look.He wouldn't tell Kirstie right away,he would go home and not sleep,he would just stare into the ceiling,and then he would gather his things and move,leaving his scent lingering on Mitch's sheets.

And Mitch would be left there,on those cold stairs,alone.He would get up hours later,after the sun came out and people started walking by him,giving curious looks to the boy with lifeless eyes.He would slowly walk home and he would find his apartment empty.He would lay in Scott's bed,and think of him,and inhale his memory.He would live in the lightest shade of blue in his eyes,and he would breathe the clear memory he had of Scott's hands warming up his hands on a cold New York night.He would live off the memory of a boy he let go because instead of trying to become better ,he used it as an excuse not to damage him.

And suddenly there was a new kind of pain swelling in his heart.The pain of losing Scott for good.Not even having him hate Mitch,just losing him,wasting it all way.And he wasn't sure it was the kind of pain he could live with.

His veins felt heavy with the thought of never falling asleep in the sleepless arms of that boy.Panic rose in his chest.He knew it was selfish,but he simply couldn't have it.

"Stop!" Mitch yelled and ran to Scott,who took him in his arms without a word,as if it was a given,as if that was the place Mitch always belonged to -and so it was.Suddenly,the street light next to them went out and they were covered by darkness.

The night was pitch black so they sat in silence,rain speaking all the words for them.Mitch listened to the strange music that was Scott's heavy heartbeat and he thought it was kind of beautiful.

They couldn't see anything but Mitch realized he really didn't need to see anything,they were quite literally surrounded by a storm,but it felt more secure and safer than his empty apartment would,or anything would,for that matter.

"You're going to get pneumonia" Scott whispered and Mitch sighed in relief,tugging his arms around the blonde's waist.He was still there,Mitch thinks,and almost cryes again,because after all the horrible thing he found out,after the way he was treated,after being a doormat,oh god,he was there,even when Scott had the right to walk away ages ago and let Mitch tear himself to pieces,he was still there.

And for some weird,unknown reason he chose to love Mitch and now it was the middle of the night and they were hugging in the middle of the street and Mitch's heart felt so heavy with love it could burst.He never meant for things to be this way,he never meant to fall in love,but he realized that maybe now he needed Scott like the earth needed the Sun to rise each morning.

He also needed some kind of confirmation Scott didn't fade away or wasn't washed away by the rain,so when he raises his head their lips come together quickly and fit eachother perfectly,burning under the cold rain.Mitch feels the same thing he has in his heart on Scott's lips and is content,so he snakes his arm around him again,resting his head on the blonde's chest.

Mitch sinks into Scott's arms and Scott holds him a little closer,trying to make Mitch as protected from the rain as he can.The headlights of the car flash and Scott figures Kirstie woke up.They  walk to the car and Mitch is safely tucked under Scott's arm,and when they open the door Kirstie gives Mitch a sad smile and hurries them in.

They dropped her off after making the promise to call first thing in the morning and Mitch sat in the passenger's seat quietly,shivering so bad he could hear his teeth clattering in his mouth.He watched the city lights go by and thanked god again he was going home with Scott instead of by himself with a bus.And later,when he was on their couch covered in a hundred blankets but still shivering he still thanked god he could hear Scott making tea in the kitchen instead of hearing nothing.

He got up and paddled away to the kitchen,where he found Scott facing the wall,looking for the sugar.He came closer and rested his forehead on the blonde's back,taking him by surprise.Mitch sighed and let the heat from Scott's body seep through the light cotton of his shirt and into his bones.He just felt this overwhelming guilt and it hit him so hard his eyes filled with tears once again.

"Thank you,and I'm sorry.I'm so sorry about how you had to found out" his voice sounded gutted and when Scott turned around Mitch looked so defenseless,so fragile,a big blanket over his shoulders,trembling in the middle of their kitchen."It's fine,we'll talk tomorrow' Scott whispers and Mitch finds that in his words seeps sadness and frustration.He finds the same ache he feels in his chest in the blonde's eyes.He's upset,of course he's upset,Mitch thinks to himself.

And it kills him ,being the source of the perfect,clear blue being stirred up into storms.But it also physically pains him thinking about not sleeping with Scott tonight,so after swallowing a few aspirins Scot gave him and after gathering all his blankets and carrying them to his bedroom,an unspoken question clings in the air,and Scott sighs as a response but takes off his jeans and climbs in under the covers.

Mitch can feel the guilt nagging at him,so he tries his best to fall asleep as soon as possible,not believing the kind of screw up Scott chose to be with. His eyes are still closed when he rolls over in Scott’s arms , and he huffs a sigh, but doesn’t  open them. He buries closer to Scott in his sleep, his nose nuzzling into it’s familiar spot right under Scott's chin. 

A thought startles him away from sleep soon after and he tenses in Scott's arms."Are you ok?" Mitch's heart throbs at the protective tone of the whisper and tries his best not to start crying."It's fine,it's just.." he sighs in the dark and covers his eyes with the back of his hands."I forgot to take my meds" he says,wanting to dissapear under the covers and slip away through the sheets.

"Your..meds?" Scott stands up and Mitch looks up at him and doesn't want to accept the reality that this beautiful boy is stuck with a lunatic like him."You medicine."There is an unspoken 'oh' in the air and Scott gets up on his feet."I'll get them,just tell me which bottle."

It pains Mitch a little,realizing Scott went through his cabinet and saw all his medication,but it also makes him grateful."It's the little box labeled Sunday".Scott comes back with a glass of water and the pills and hands them to Mitch.As he swallows each pill,an amount that horrifies Scott,the expression he can see in the blonde's eyes kinda makes him want to cry.

As he swallows the last one Scott breaks down a bit and whispers "Oh,babe." coming closer to press a kiss to Mitch's hair and take the glass of water."No more lies" he speaks as he climbs back up in bed and wraps his arms around the brunette."No more lies." Mitch repeats as he tangles their legs together and comes a little closer,closing the space between them.

He wonders if after the last days he would have someone to fall asleep with in the future.But he didn't want someone,anyone,he wanted Scott.And in that second he was terrified he wouldn't be able to keep him there,to keep him his.

Instead,he makes himself fall asleep to the thought that without Scott,days feel like year,but with him hours feel like seconds.

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