Chapter 10 - Twisted game/6 am

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for Pictureonmawall :D

Sorry this took a while.I must say when I started this story I didn't expect it to go so far or even this way.Right now I don't have an ending in mind,so I might continue for a bit,should I? I wanted to credit the poem but I lost the link from it,sorry :c

Anyway,what do you think of the path this story has taken?

Comments would be amazing.Enjoy,rate and everything! Thanks!


It is 6 am and I'm so tired that the only thing I can think of is how easily I can drown in your eyes.The only thing that make sense after not sleeping for so long is the fact that you are my everything and I am nothing ,you are a city and I am that flower growing out of the concrete that you stepped on because no one like you would ever look down to someone like me.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Mitch's POV

"We're sorry,this person is not available at the moment,please leave a message after the tone"

"Scott,please answer.We need to talk"

"Goddamit Scott,where is your phone?"

"Scott I am serious please answer me we HAVE to talk."

" .. Scott?"

Mitch literally wanted to punch a wall.He paced around the apartment nervously and checked his phone every other minute - his mind was all over the place.He knew Aaron wouldn't hurt Scott,after all he made it clear he wanted him for himself.But he was afraid because he knew the kind of business Aaron was involved in.

And because Aaron didn't deserve Scott,not in any way.Because someone who would have Scott just to let him go after was either blind or an idiot.Because everything was falling apart to a silence that nothing could fill except for Scott's voice.Because the memory of a world standing still around the two of them was painfully fresh in his mind.Because he had been so blind to Scott loving him for such a long time,that now the idea of it fading away left him breathless and terrified.Scott gave him poems-and he knew that was him literally giving Mitch pieces of himself.Scott gave him purpose.

So how could someone who ran away from all of that could ever be right for Scott?

As he was driving himself insane with those thought his phone buzzed. He hoped Scott finally noticed the million texts and calls he left him.But as he read his text,his mouth dropped.Nonono.Fuck.


If you tell him my secret I'll tell him all of yours.And I'm pretty sure he'll never want to look at you again."


Hours later,when Aaron dropped Scott off,Mitch was still freaking out.He tried to sleep but the demons of his past kept creeping up on him and making him turn and toss around.How deep did Aaron dug into his past?He tried to watch tv,or read,he even thought about calling Kirstie- all he could think about was how terrifying the thought of Scott falling out of love with him was.

Mitch was standing on the little balcony of his hotel room,smoking cigarette after cigarette,because that was the only thing that seemed to help him calm down,when Scott walked in.He didn't even hear the blonde coming from behind and snatching his cigarette from his hand.

"Hey!That was mine"

"They are bad for you and your voice.And they aren't meant to ruin lungs as pretty as yours."Mitch couldn't help but smile.A single word of Scott's sent shiver down his spines.He knew it wasn't normal,or healthy for his mental health,but he also knew he didn't think of Scott just as a friend anyway.

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