Chapter 6 - The guilt/4:40 am

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Heeey.I know this is kind of late,I'm sorry.But it's the longest I've ever done.I was really anxious while writing it,I felt as if it wasn't as good as it used to be.Was I right?

I really hope you enjoy it.Please comments with any suggestion/expectations you might have,that would be really helpful.Also,do you feel as if I should change the style I write in,or anything like that?

Love you lots,we just got a little over 600 reads,that is amazing <3 (and 52 votes)

Enjoy and please leave a comment,sorry for any mistakes!


It's 4:40 am and I'm roaming the dark streets -I've never felt more alone and scared.The place in my pocket where your warm hand was supposed to be,locked with mine,now rests a cigarette that is supposed to fill this incredible gap you left in my heart - you're missing from me,because you are a part of me.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Mitch's POV

It was definitely easier said than done.He had the best combination -an amazing roommate ,a great career and a nice boyfriend,so why was he still feeling like something was missing?He was due to leave for New York in a week with Kirstie for their first real concert,so he had a lot rehearsals and Josh was better than ever,taking him out constantly and making an effort to commit - so why all he could still about were Scott's eyes?

Looking from outside,when they were together at home it looked like they were doing some sort of weird,synchronized dance.Everytime Mitch came from behind Scott to wrap his hands around his slim waist like he used to or lean his forehead on his back,taking in all the heat from his body and his wonderful cologne smell,he backed away immediately,putting his hands in his pocket and grunting in frustration.

It was the same with Scott,if not worse.He walked around the apartment on his tip toes - he did his best not be noticed or to be around Mitch too much.He missed him so much -he missed fixing his hair and it being a normal,easy gesture,he missed their stare contests,and their goodbye hugs,and their good morning hugs,and the lingering touches,and rubbing his index finger on his wrist in a comforting touch - and oh god,he missed it all so much,but Scott was just a roommate for him,they both made it clear,and while Scott was resolving his urges to hug Mitch or to just be around him by smoking,the brunette was out with his real boyfriend,who had the privilege of holding his hand and run the tip of his fingers along Mitch's neck without having a big conversation about them being bad for each other after.

Every time Mitch read one of Scott's new poems or caught him singing love songs he would get this overwhelming wave of jealousy and sadness - sadness because he was sure Josh would never feel like that for him ,and jealousy because Scott wrote those hauntingly beautiful words for someone else.

They often ran into each other at night,when Mitch wanted a snack and Scott was walking around the apartment as usual.One night Mitch ran over Scott in the living room,where he was singing in a whispering voice - he had his back towards him and just the sight of his vague outline made his ribcage thigten and his heartbeat quicken.Dammit.

"This is stupid" he whispered,startling Scott.

"What it?"

"This,us.It's stupid and it's frustrating me." - Scott didn't expect Mitch to speak the exact words he was thinking too.He giggled.

"Yeah,it kind of is.Come here."

The brunette walked across the apartment and,without a word,Scott took him in his arms.Their bodies fitted perfectly,like two pieces of a puzzle,and they both closed their eyes.Mitch nuzzled his nose into Scott's chest and he could hear his rapid heartbeat -he put a hand over it -he felt this hopeless need to be as close to him as possible.He sighed with relief,as if he waited for that moment for weeks.Then he chuckled.

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