Chapter 9 - Not worthy/2:50 am

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I'm sorry this is short,but I really wanted to update tonight.I haven't been well lately and although writing is kind of an escape,there are times not even writing can help.

Anyway,comments are very appreciated,I loved them <3.

Rate,keeping reading and enjoy!Tell me what you think.

p,s sorry for mistakes or anything else,it's 3 am.


It's 2:50 am.Today we kissed,and honestly,I wish I could make your lungs cave everytime we kiss.I wish I could steal your breath and hold your life behind my lips,just so that you would remember me as i remember you,as a storm and not as a simple rain.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Mitch's POV

Mitch was there,lying on his bed for what seemed like ages,staring into the ceiling.He eventually stopped crying and now was simply looking up with a blank expression.Inside him though,everything seemed to unravel.His head hurt and his eyes were red and puffy from the crying - he missed Scott and wondered where he was.

He hoped he was with someone better for him.Maybe he was on his way to the airport,maybe he made the right decision.Mitch closed his eyes shut and shook his head at that thought,trying to make it go away.It would be the right thing,but it would leave him empty of what little meaning he had.He put a hand over his chest and tried to listen -his heart was beating,he had a pulse.He was there,alive - but without Scott,he wasn't really there at all.

Sometime after midnight Scott barged into the apartment,trying to be as quiet as a semi-drunk person could be.Mitch closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep -he had his back against him,but he could hear Scott lock the door and take off his shoes,stumbling on his way to the bed.He swore and then giggled at himself.

The blonde sprawled across the bed and closed his eyes.The silence in the room was almost fluid,it travelled from one heart to another,it carried unspoken words from lips to lips,it covered everything in sight for Mitch in desperation,in night - he wanted to cry.Not because he was sad,not even because things were generally terrible.But because he wanted Scott so bad,he wanted to be the person for him,to be worthy of him.Because he felt the weight of the blonde sinking in the mattress right next to him and yet it was as if he had oceans to pass in order to get to him.

Mitch knew what was going to happen.Scott was the most honest when drunk.He was going to say wonderful words that weren't supposed to be heard by terrible people like himself.The brunette turned around and looked at him.

"When you used to go out with Josh,I just spent hours in the apartment walking around from one room to the other.I didn't know how to stop the heaviness in my heart.It was like my lungs were collapsing and it became so hard to breathe at some point - you were my drug of choice and I guess tequila was yours.But you could go to sleep and wake up sober,with a headache.I,on the other hand,didn't sleep, but still woke up to the thought of you consuming me .." Scott said simply.

Mitch let out a sound similar to someone gasping for air - he climbed on top of Scott and interlocked his fingers with his,looking him deep in the eyes.He whispered "Listen to me." and then kissed him softly,barely touching his lips.Scott looked confused -what was he supposed to hear?

Mitch kissed him again,this time more passionately,pushing his body slightly into the mattress.Their lips fitted perfectly and kept teasing each other her,the warmth from the body under him raising goosebumps all over his skin.It was a burning need to explain something,it was the kind of kiss that leaves you dizzy.For a moment the constant feeling of guilt wasn't there -waters calmed,flowers were blooming,the rain stopped.

But then the moment was over and Mitch realized he was kidding himself -he wasn't going to convince Scott just by kissing him.He moved back to his side and sighed in frustration.

Scott giggled,and Mitch remembered he was,in fact,still pretty drunk."What's so funny?"he asked."You're so silly.You said I should listen,but then you just kissed me,and you don't even love me - yet here I am.I guess I'm a little silly too."

Mitch wanted to scream - instead he simply nuzzled into Scott's side and fell asleep with his right hand still holding on to the blonde's.


A few days had passed and now Kirstie was getting better.She was due to get out pretty soon and Mitch still spent almost every minute at the hospital,making sure she had everything.Meanwhile Scott told him about Aaron and explained he was just keeping him company while Mitch was with Kirstie - the brunette was pretty skeptical about it,but he kept it to himself.

Until one day he finally met Aaron.The moment he saw him,his jaw dropped,for two reasons.One was the fact that he lived up to his reputation as a model -he was gorgeous (and Scott's ex!)-that's where jealousy came in, and the other was the fact that he recognized him.He used to sell drugs at the fancy clubs him and Josh went to.Aaron understood he was recognized,but instead he frowned and pointed to Scott behind his back,making a sign that meant keeping quiet about it.But it only made Mitch more worried.

Often while getting lunch together or going to visit Kirstie Aaron would make malicious remarks about Scot and Mitch being 'a thing',or him not having any chances at Scott,or Mitch being clearly devoted to Scott.That one hurt the most - they always laughed about it,but Mitch could see the hurt in Scott's eyes.

It was so obvious for him the kind of game Aaron was playing.But he always 'joked' or made sarcastic remarks that made Mitch look like the jerk and so Scott didn't suspect anything.

One night Mitch called Scott to find out Aaron was taking him out for dinner as a thank you for letting them be friends again.Mitch's stomach tightened as he was filling up with worry - he chose to remain quite about it and not make a big deal."I wanted to go see Kirstie anyway." He picked up Starbucks for both of them and as he entered her room,he found her biting on her nails nervously,a scared look on her face.

"Oh,Mitch,thank god you're here.You won't believe it -he was here,earlier today,he was here."

"Who was here honey?"

"Him.The person who left me to die that night,on the street.I could recognize him anywhere."Just as he was trying to process that thought he heard his phone buzzing with a message.

"From: Aaron

I'm taking him out for dinner ;) He's going to be mine.You're going down,hah.Have a fun night."

It was too much for Mitch at once.He sat down and read the text over and over again,as Kirstie was desperately trying to get him to say something.Instead,he simply handed out his phone."Oh my god" she said in shock - she wasn't looking at the message though.She was looking at the contact's photo."Who is that?" she pointed,her voice trembling.

"That's Aaron,Scott's ex I've been telling you about.Why?"

"It's him.I'm sure,it's him.He's the one who pretended to be a cab driver then left me there."

It was him.He knew something was off about him from the start.All the acting,the little lies,the satisfied looks when Mitch would come out as the bad guy,they all made sense.He wanted to kill Aaron,or at least to beat him until he would feel the same kind of pain he felt when he thought his friend was hurt because of his ignorance.

It suddenly hit him - Scott,his Scott,was with that man.He had to tell him before it was too late.A image of the text flashed before his eyes "He's going to be mine."

"Over my dead body" Mitch thought.

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