Chapter 20 - Epilogue

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Soo,here it is,the last chapter.I can't believe it's been 20 chapters already.I hope I didn't disappoint you (I mean with the way it was written) I wanted to keep it short and not drag it out.

I hope you enjoy it,please give me some feedback if you are kind.There's more at the end,like thank you and others.So get to reading and we'll talk at the end.e

Read,rate,comment.Love you!


It is 2:30 am,and I want you to know that no matter if my lips are there to burn fires under yours and no matter if my hands are there to wrap themselves around you because I crave no space between us you will always have my lines,my papers and all my words to keep you warm and aware of the fact that you are always with me,- in my heart and in my words.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

Scott drives for hours around the streets of L.A.His mind is completely blank,every fibre of his being is numb and he just feels like the remains of a shipwreck,just scraps of whatever Mitch left behind when he came tearing through his life.

He hates this,he hates the way his fingertips are fumbling and eager to gently brush Mitch's hair when it's out of place,the way he reacts when they hug and he feels Mitch's hipbones pushing slightly forward,the way his shirts smell like Mitch because he wears them at night,and every time he moves it feels like the brunette just left the room because the scent lingers.

He hates the way he could describe Mitch's eyes in endless poems without even using the colour brown,and he hates the way Mitch messes with his head -he walks like he is dancing in response to some inner music,and when he talks it takes Scott a while to process what he is being told because he is too busy staring at how beautiful his collarbones arch when he's holding his hand out to bring Scott closer or at the way the vowels in his name roll off the brunette's tongue,making them softer,making Scott weak in the knees.

It would be pathetically cute if it wasn't so tragic,if Scott didn't realize the impact all this had on him,if he wasn't painfully aware of the fact that he could never go back to what he used to be.

He somehow finds himself pulling up in the parking lot of Kirstie's building and when he knocks on her door he seems just as surprised to see her as she seems.Kirstie wants to say something but then she stops herself because she gets it- buy only after looking at Scott.His dark circles,darker than usual,the black in his eyes,the way he hides his hands in his pocket so she wouldn't notice they are trembling,the fact that he stinks of cigarettes.

She lets him in and follows with a worried look.He sits down at the counter and sighs,looking in blank,no expression whatsoever.He rests his head in his hands and Kirstie just sits in silence,because she knows Scott -when he was ready,he would talk.

"It all feels like I've just woken up from a dream."

And so it is.He closed his eyes and next thing he knows,he suddenly loves this boy..this beautiful,broken boy.And he doesn't just love him,as in 'we're bestfriend let's share laughs and cigarettes',he loves him,as in 'You are running through my veins and I would take a bullet for you' kind of love.And he doesn't even see it,it's all games and distractions to him,it's just touch and go,so yeah,it all feels surreal,so Scott sits in Kirstie's kitchen because he doesn't know what else to do,because going home would mean taking a big decision - stay or go,flee or fight.

"You know,Mitch had a reason for all of this.Besides being afraid of you hating him,of course." Kirstie's voice is soft but sharp at the same time,confident,as she drums her fingers on the counter and looks absently in the distance.

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