Chapter 7.5 - Under

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Hi.So this is not exactly a chapter,it's more of a fill in.I just wanted to shift the story a bit because I got this idea.Let me know what do you think it is,that would be lovely.

Sorry,I'll come back with a real update soon.Curious? 

His mind shifted from dizzy and in love to serious and terrified in less than a second.As soon as he heard the words Kirstie and coma in the same sentence,Mitch forgot everything that was occupying his mind -scottscottscott- and rushed to the hospital

He was scared out of his mind - Kirstie was his family,all the family he had left.He burst through the hospital doors carrying a confused and shocked Scott with him and went straight for the first nurse he saw -his hands were shaking as he started asking question in a terrified voice.

"Is my friend,uhm,Kirstie,is she ok,can I see her?What happened,I was called and .."

"Calm down sir.The on call doctor will be here in a second.Go sit down" she mumbled.

Mitch sat down next to Scott -he looked at him in the corner of his eye and managed to see him staring in the distance,his eyes completely blank,as if his mind had just shut down.He didn't have time to worry about the blonde,because suddenly all kind of thoughts rushed to him as he put a hand over his mouth

Oh my god I will kill her too I wasn't paying attention  to her I was so caught up in myself and Scott what if she was sick and I didn't even notice oh god I will never forgive myself what if I've killed her

He didn't have time to continue his internal breakdown when a white coat approached him.

"Mitch Grassi,you're mrs.Maldonado emergency contact,right?

"Yeah,that's me.What happened?"

The doctor sat down besides them and gave Scott a funny look.He then concentrated his attention on Mitch."She was in a car accident not long ago -she is stable now,but she hasn't woken up yet.The first 24 hours are important.Mrs.Maldonado wasn't the one driving,it was a male who luckily enough got off with just a few scratches.Some witnesses say he looked drunk and he was driving with high speed."

Mitch was confused - the doctor leaned in and said in a lower tone "We haven't been able to find him yet-some people saw him leave the scene immediately"

He left her there?Who would do that?

"Can I see her,please?" Mitch begged him - he was relieved Kirstie was ok for now but he wanted nothing more than to find the person who left his friend there."Yeah,not for long.She's still under."

The doctor led them to a separate room.Kirstie looked so peaceful - it was like she was sleeping.She had bruises all over and her skin was pale - her once happy self now seemed so fragile.All the tubes and wires made Mitch sick to his stomach and only fueled his rage.He stood motionless and just looked at her,trying to find relief and safety in the sight of her breathing -she was alive,she was there.She could have died.

Mitch's eyes welled up with tears and once again,he was crying.He covered his face with hands and tried his best to be silent but soon enough,he felt a pair of arms coming around his waist from behind as Scott kissed his shoulder in a comforting touch.He whispered " 's ok now,babe." in his ears and that made his heart a little lighter.

Scott was there -he had Scott.And it felt safe - maybe things would be ok.


Later that night Scott came back to Mitch's hotel room -which was now their hotel room - to bring him back some fresh clothes.He refused to leave her side in case she would wake up.As he tried to use the key Mitch gave him he noticed their door was unlocked.

He pushed it lightly and it slowly opened.He was there.

His life had been so much better for the last 2 months because he had Mitch -and perfect before they found out about Kirstie,because he had Mitch,in the true meaning of the word.

But in the back of his mind there was always this worry,this doubt.If there was anything standing in between him and being happy with Mitch,it was him.

"What are you doing here,how did you get in ?"

" C'mon,love.Aren't you excited to see me?"

God,that fucking stupid smirk of his.

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